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President message on Medicare advocacy

President message on Medicare advocacy

Following the Federal Government’s decision to end access to the 10 additional Medicare sessions, we have doubled down on our advocacy efforts. Challenging this decision is a priority for us, our members and your clients. 

What we have done: 

  • Continued discussions with the office of the Federal Minister for Health 
  • Interviews and appearances on ABC News Breakfast, ABC Radio, ABC Radio National, Channel 10 News, SBS, Sky News, Sydney Morning Herald and The Guardian 
  • More than 350 media mentions on this issue, reaching a cumulative potential audience of more than 20 million people. 
  • Multiple media statements, member updates and social media communications on this issue. Long before the pandemic, the APS has been urging the Government to increase the number of sessions from 10 to at least 20.  

What we are doing: 

  • We are in contact with the Federal Health Minister’s office regarding his Better Access expert forum beginning early 2023
  • We continue to engage with members of the Federal Government, opposition, crossbench and media
  • Collaborating with like-minded organisations to increase awareness of the importance of keeping the 20 sessions in place 
  • We are leveraging our relationship with the Department of Health to provide advice for APS members about the practical implications of the changes  
  • We have numerous meetings set-up with key stakeholders. 

We understand this is of great concern to many of you, and we will continue to strongly advocate on behalf of members to get you the investment and programs from government that you and your clients deserve.  

If you would like to share the impacts of this decision on you and your clients, get in touch at [email protected]  

With your support through surveys, member feedback and media interviews, we have had more than 350 media mentions on this issue alone this year, reaching a cumulative potential audience of more than 20 million. Stories like these make an impact and start conversations across the country, helping us reach the community, government and numerous other stakeholders with our messages.

To read more, please read our Media Coverage highlights as below:

ABC News | Federal Government slashes psychology sessions 

Channel 10 News | APS CEO Zena Burgess 

SBS News | 'They saved my life; Cut to Medicare-funded psychology sessions raises mental health concerns'   

Daily Mail | Albanese government cuts subsidised psychologist sessions 

Courier Mail | Jeremy Rockliff slams federal decision to slash Medicare susidised psychologist appoitnements  

ABC News | Federal government slashes psychologist visits for Australians seeking mental health treatment 

ABC News |  Government criticised for cutting cheaper mental health sessions despite review saying they should continue

ABC Radio Canberra | Medicare Better Access review featuring APS President Dr Catriona Davis-McCabe

Sky News | Federal government reduces subsidised psychologist visits for Australians accessing mental health treatment

Sydney Morning Herald | Ten psych sessions is not enough after the years we’ve had

ABC News | Federal Government lobbied to extend mental health initiative for bulk-billed sessions

ABC Radio AM | Keeping 10 additional Medicare sessions key to youth mental health

The Canberra Times | APS President Tamara Cavenett urges government to make 20 MBS sessions permanent following APS analysis finding one millions sessions at risk

ABC | Australia's young people bouncing back after pandemic's impact on mental health — but it's not all good news

The Australian | Urgent calls to extend psych scheme

Sydney Morning Herald | ‘Our mental health is collectively breaking’: One in five Australians had mental disorder in pandemic

Sydney Morning Herald | ‘Urgent national priority’: Pandemic’s staggering mental toll on young Australians

Daily Telegraph | 1 in 3 psychologists forced to turn people away, shocking survey reveals