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Better Access Evaluation | Share your thoughts

Better Access Evaluation | Share your thoughts

The Better Access Evaluation is now underway and you have the opportunity to feed into the evaluation via the referrers and providers survey.

The Better Access Initiative, which was established in 2006/7, was last evaluated more than a decade ago. This evaluation is an important opportunity to improve Australians’ mental health.

Who is running the evaluation?

The evaluation is being conducted by a team from the University of Melbourne which is led by Professor Jane Pirkis, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health. The team is asking GPs, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and occupational therapists to share their views via a short survey.

What does the survey cover?

It covers how Better Access works and whether it promotes access to treatment for people with mild to moderate mental health conditions.

Who can complete the survey?

You must have worked in private practice in 2021.

You may be someone who regularly makes referrals or provides care under Better Access, or you may be someone who rarely or never does so. The evaluation team is interested in your views either way.

How long will the survey take?

It should take no longer than 15 minutes and will be open until 5.00pm AEDT Friday 25th March.

Share your thoughts