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APS statement on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II

APS statement on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) extends sincere condolences to the Royal family and British people in the UK, Australia and around the globe on the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Queen Elizabeth II was the United Kingdom’s longest serving monarch, dedicating herself to a life of service. For many people in Australia, she was a much loved and respected leader and figurehead.

Many people in Australia may be experiencing feelings of grief, sadness and loss at this time which is entirely normal. The APS urges anyone struggling with these feelings to reach out to a professional for mental health support.   

The APS was established in 1944 as the Australian Branch of the British Psychological Society, which operates under the Royal Charter and Statutes. While the APS is now independent of the BPS, we acknowledge this long history and our connection to Britain as we send our condolences to our colleagues in the United Kingdom.