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Telehealth psychology sessions extended to 31 December 2021

Telehealth psychology sessions extended to 31 December 2021

This morning, the Federal Government has confirmed it will be extending telehealth funding until 31 December 2021.

We have had confirmation that this extension includes telehealth psychology sessions.

This is a very large advocacy win. The APS has been speaking with government about securing this extension since the beginning of the pandemic.

Over the course of the pandemic, 94 percent of psychologists have adopted telehealth, and APS members know that the accessibility and flexibility it offers Australians has been invaluable.

The Government has confirmed it will be working closely with peak bodies to determine the role for telehealth beyond 2021.

The APS expects to work closely with Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt and the Department of Health to refine the telehealth practice guidelines and to shape indefinite access to telehealth to provide access and equity in mental health support for Australians.