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Telehealth psychology sessions extended to 30 June 2021

Telehealth psychology sessions extended to 30 June 2021

Today, the Federal Government has announced a $1.1 billion extension to the national COVID-19 health response.

As part of this announcement, the Government has indicated it will continue telehealth services and care until 30 June 2021.

We have had confirmation that this extension includes telehealth psychology sessions.

This is welcome news which recognises effective APS advocacy and strategic media activity to obtain client flexibility in the delivery of psychological services through telehealth. 

As we have reiterated many times in recent weeks, psychologists have been on the front-line of a mental health crisis in Australia, and now is the time to support access and equity in mental health support.

Over the course of the pandemic, 94 percent of psychologists have adopted telehealth, and the accessibility and flexibility it offers Australians has been invaluable.

The Government will continue to review the ongoing role of COVID telehealth to support the pandemic in the short term, while they plan the permanent post-pandemic arrangements with peak groups.

We will continue to advocate directly with the Federal Government about the importance of making telehealth for psychology sessions a permanent part of the Medicare system.

We will provide a further update for members in the coming days.