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Telehealth made permanent, and MBS additional sessions extended to December 2022

Telehealth made permanent, and MBS additional sessions extended to December 2022

I am very pleased to share that following many months of APS advocacy, the Federal Government has this morning announced that tehelealth will be made permanent. The additional 10 sessions under a Medicare mental health treatment plan have also been extended to December 2022. This is part of a suite of health announcements from Government.

Since the start of this year, we have been in contact with government officials about the need to extend, or make permanent, telehealth for all Australians. We began 2021 writing to Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Health Minister Greg Hunt and Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, calling on the Government to provide Australians with certainty about their mental health care. We continued these efforts, meeting with Minister Hunt, his ministerial staff and the Department of Health, and speaking to the media at various points throughout the year.

So too have we been calling for the need to make the additional 10 Medicare-funded psychology sessions a permanent part of the Better Access Scheme. The doubling of these sessions was first introduced in 2020 for a 2-year period, with the intention of supporting Australians as we emerged from the pandemic. The pandemic and its impacts are very much still with us, and psychologists have been managing the incredible demands for our services as a result of the mental health crisis. This extension to December 2022 is welcome, and we will continue to push for its permanence.

We know that the last two years have been challenging for you and your clients. We understand that the uncertainty as we await announcements around telehealth and other initiatives has an impact on you and your clients. You have responded with overwhelming professionalism and commitment to your community. Today’s announcement is both a reflection of your work and the recognition by Government of what you continue to achieve in supporting your clients.

Medicare-subsidised telehealth sessions made permanent

Australians will be able to continue to access telehealth services (telephone or online) through Medicare for the next four years, with a commitment of $106 million funding. This extension includes telehealth psychology sessions.

We understand the existing MBS item numbers will remain in place.

The additional 10 sessions under a Medicare mental health treatment plan have also been extended to December 2022

Under a $58.8 million commitment, eligible clients who have used their existing 10 individual sessions in a calendar year will be able to continue to access an additional 10 sessions under their existing mental health treatment plan.

This extension applies until December 2022. We understand the existing MBS item numbers will remain in place.

These are great advocacy wins for our community.

Thank you to our many members who have reached out to shape APS policy and positions by sharing what you want to see us advocate for. Psychology continues to be recognised for its impact in the community, and that’s thanks to you.