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Psychologists recognised in the Queen’s Birthday Honours

Psychologists recognised in the Queen’s Birthday Honours

As Australians in most states and territories enjoyed the time spent with family and friends during the Queen’s Birthday public holiday, as is tradition, the Honours List was also announced by the Governor-General.

It’s my great pleasure to share that four of our members have been recognised for their incredible contribution to both the Australian community and our wonderful profession of psychology.

Stopping to highlight those in psychological practice, research or academia is something that we do as a peak body, through our own APS Awards. So when psychologists are also then acknowledged on a national stage with this highest level of honour, it is a positive reminder that our profession’s work is both noticed and appreciated.

Each of these long-serving members have followed a different path, and each has made an enormous contribution to the lives of many Australians. It’s wonderful to see psychologists, in the diverse range of settings in which we research, teach and work, recognised in this way.

Emeritus Professor Beryl Hesketh AM FAPS from New South Wales has been made a Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia for significant service to STEM education, and to organisational psychology. Professor Hesketh has worked at several universities across the state and has been a board member of a wide range of organisations. She has been a member of the APS since 1986 and is a current Fellow of the APS College of Organisational Psychologists.

Mr Roger Dooley AM FAPS from Queensland has been made a Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia for significant service to community health, to psychology, and to professional societies. Mr Dooley began his career at Prince Charles Hospital in Brisbane and has been in private practice since 1989. He founded the Supervisor Training and Accreditation Program for Queensland Health, is an Independent Assessor for the Psychologists Board of Queensland, and is a current Fellow of King’s College, University of Queensland.

Dr Rob Gordon OAM FAPS from Victoria has been awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia in the General Division (OAM) for service to disaster recovery as a psychologist. Dr Gordon has worked tirelessly in the field of disaster victim recovery for almost 40 years, having been at the frontline of Australian disasters including the Ash Wednesday bushfires, the Port Arthur massacre, and the 2020 bushfires. He has been a consultant to the Australian Red Cross since 2009 and was instrumental in the establishment of the APS Disaster Response Network, which is made up of over 500 trained APS members who are deployed through our collaboration with the Australian Red Cross following disasters.

Ms Penelope Gordon OAM MAPS from Queensland has been awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia in the General Division (OAM) for service to the community through social welfare organisations. Ms Gordon has made a significant contribution to child protection, including as Chair of Queensland Child Protection Council and as a consulting psychologist in Specialist Domestic and Family Violence for the Queensland Courts.

Professor Brin Grenyer OAM MAPS from New South Wales has been awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia in the General Division (OAM) for service to psychology. Professor Grenyer has devoted his career to the study and treatment of personality disorders. He is Developer of the National E-Learning Training Program, Australian Borderline Personality Disorder Foundation and is Founder and Director of the Project Air Strategy for Personality Disorders. He was Foundation Chair of the Psychology Board of Australia from 2009-2018 and has been a member of the APS since 1991.

Mrs Desley Miller OAM MAPS from Queensland has been awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia in the General Division (OAM) for service to education, and to community mental health. Mrs Miller has been a guidance officer, teacher and special education teacher for a number of schools and has been in private practice since 2008. She has undertaken volunteer working, including in aged care.

My heartfelt congratulations to you all. Leadership and having a social impact are at the heart of the APS, so it is an honour to have you among our membership.

Tamara Cavenett FAPS GAICD
APS President