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Make a mental health promise this October

Make a mental health promise this October

October is mental health month, where we commit to making mental health and wellbeing a priority.  

This year that message is more important than ever.  

COVID-19 has fuelled a national conversation about mental health and what it means to be resilient, or how to recognise when we need help. 

In encouraging Australians to look after their mental health, we’d also like to thank you –psychologists – for holding space when the community needs it most. These are incredibly challenging times, and your self-care should also be a priority.  

We are once again partnering with Mental Health Australia for World Mental Health Day on 10 October.  

We will be sharing resources and tips to help Australia look up, look out and look forward.  #LookAfterYourMentalHealthAustralia.

Resources to support you

Frontline workers and COVID-19: tips for coping and enhancing resilience during the pandemic

COVID-19 resources for your clients

Managing lockdown fatigue

Tips for managing COVID-19 anxiety

Loneliness and social isolation during COVID-19

Coping during COVID-19 when not everyone will ‘do the right thing’

Coping with change during COVID-19

Maintaining your mental health during social isolation

Professional development with a focus on self-care ​

Managing the challenges of COVID-19 as a psychologist

Infection control and more. Managing the continuing changes to psychological practice in Covid-19 times

Navigating a safe professional life with COVID-19

Practical nature connection strategies for wellbeing when working from home

Practical strategies for managing sleep issues during the COVID 19 pandemic

Self-care for psychologists