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APS wins ICP2028 Melbourne bid – it's coming back

APS wins ICP2028 Melbourne bid – it's coming back

It gives us enormous pleasure to announce that the International Congress of Psychology will be held in Melbourne in 2028. 

ICP is the largest and most influential psychological event in the world. Every four years thousands of psychologists come together in the host city to take part in a full scientific, and social, program. 

With this success comes great opportunities for our profession and our country. Hosting ICP2028 is another opportunity for the APS to secure our role as a global leader in psychology. It shows that our international peers are looking to collaborate with us, and to learn from us. 

It has been 40 years since the last ICP event was hosted in Australasia, and so much has changed within psychology since then. 

It is our time for the APS to lead the conversation on what psychology can achieve locally and internationally, and to deliver a lasting legacy for psychology internationally. 

ICP2028 will explore Brain, Mind, World, with two key themes running throughout: First Nations’ psychology, and effective approaches to human health. 

The APS and our bid partners have put a huge amount of work into the bid, which we presented to the International Union of Psychological Science during ICP 2020+ . 

The real work begins now, as we build on the preparations and the pathway to what is going to be a hugely successful international event in 2028. 

Thank you to APS President Tamara Cavenett, APS Board member and ICP 2028 Bid President Simon Crowe and the ICP bid committee who have worked incredibly hard to turn our bid into a success. Thank you also to our wonderful events and communications staff who have played their part in getting us here.  We are so excited that ICP is coming back to Australia. 

Dr Zena Burgess FAPS FAICD