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APS continues to advocate for a blanket ban on conversion practices

APS continues to advocate for a blanket ban on conversion practices

The APS is committed to the human rights and full inclusion of all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, and strongly opposes any form of mental health practice that seeks to change or suppress a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

This week, the Victorian Parliament passed a Bill to ban conversion practices in Victoria.

A recent Health Complaints Commission (HCC) inquiry into conversion practices in Victoria found those exposed to such interventions experienced long-term psychological harm and distress, and recommended legislation be introduced to prohibit these practices.

There is clinical evidence that conversion practices can compound the challenges already faced by some LGBTQ+ people, such as negative mental health outcomes.

The APS congratulates the Victorian Government for acting decisively on these recommendations from the HCC and reiterates the calls we made in February 2019 for the other States and Territories to adopt similar measures. 

This forms part of our continuing work advocating for people from LGBTQI+ communities.

Recent work includes our submissions to the:

The APS will continue to press the Government on this issue and will update members on further advocacy work.