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On-demand Event

The easy way to implement routine outcome monitoring in private practice

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Published literature unequivocally shows that psychological therapy is effective. But each client that walks in your door is unique and therefore defining what “successful therapy” looks like will be different for each. Moreover, it’s sometimes hard to connect the research evidence with our day-to-day practice, and anyway, are YOUR group of clients getting better?

This activity will:

  • focus on how psychologists can integrate a set of simple innovations shown to improve outcomes into any form of psychological intervention,

  • explore how routine outcome monitoring can help individual clients, 

  • explore how to create practice-based evidence,

  • examine existing benchmarks for treatment effectiveness, and

  • how we can apply the literature to real world practice. 

Level of Learning

Intermediate. This activity is targeted to those who have some previous learning on the topic.

Duration of access

Access to this activity is for 12 months from the date of confirmed registration.

APS CPD-Approved

This activity has been assessed against the APS Standards for CPD activities and approved for its education quality.

Learn more about the APS CPD Approval process

CPD Frequently Asked Questions

Refer to the APS CPD Frequently Asked Questions for general and technical information when undertaking APS Professional development activities.

Activity details

  • On-demand webinar recording

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:

  • understand the benefit of Routine Outcome Monitoring for psychologists and clients (hint: it improves outcomes),

  • clarify what outcome measures fit their unique practice,

  • explore how routine outcome monitoring can help get clients unstuck,

  • understand international benchmarks for therapy success, and

  • develop skills to evaluate your client groups outcomes.


Dr Ben Buchanan MAPS and Dr Nathan Castle MAPS

About the presenter(s)

Dr Ben Buchanan helps mental health services use psychometric science to improve patient outcomes.  He co-founded NovoPsych in 2012 and creates innovative tools to help psychologists assess, monitor and conceptualise their clients using the best psychological science available. He is a leader in helping psychologists collect their own practice-based evidence and is a researcher in the use of routine outcome monitoring and feedback informed treatment. Dr. Nathan Castle is a Clinical Psychologist and Chief Science and Evaluation Officer at NovoPsych. This role allows him to support professionals and services to implement data-driven work in their own practice. He researches in areas of routine outcome monitoring and deliberate practice in therapy. The best part of Nathan’s job is working with others that share his values for improving mental health treatment and seeing them find a renewed passion, excitement and fulfilment for their work.

CPD Approved


Recording of webinar: 11 October 2021

APS member: $60.00
APS student member: $30.00
NZPsS member: $60.00
Non-member: $90.00