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On-demand Event

Supporting child and adolescent mental health during times of extraordinary change:
3. Understanding and responding to anxiety

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Series: Supporting child and adolescent mental health during times of extraordinary change. 

The unprecedented changes associated with the COVID-19 are impacting on children and adolescents in a range of ways, some of which we are yet to discover. Psychologists are well positioned to support children, adolescents, families and schools in not only in navigating and adapting to these challenges but also in exploring possibilities for growth and learning.

This series will provide an opportunity for psychologists to review what we know already and then to build on this by exploring what this might mean in our current situation and includes the following webinars:

  1. Building resilience through social and emotional learning

  2. Responding effectively to school refusal

  3. Understanding and responding to anxiety

  4. Helping parents and school staff to recognise and respond to early signs of mental health challenges 

3. Understanding and responding to anxiety

This is the third webinar in the series. Anxiety is recognised as one of the major mental health issues impacting on children and adolescents. This activity focusses on understanding and responding appropriately and effectively to anxiety.

Level of learning

Foundational. This activity is targeted to those new to the topic.

Duration of access

Access to this activity is for 12 months from the date of confirmed registration.

APS CPD-Approved

This activity has been assessed against the APS Standards for CPD activities and approved for its education quality.

Learn more about the APS CPD Approval process

CPD Frequently Asked Questions

Refer to the APS CPD Frequently Asked Questions for general and technical information when undertaking APS Professional development activities.

Activity details

  • On-demand webinar recording

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:

  • outline core features of anxiety and factors related to anxiety, distinguishing between anxiety and anxiety disorders,

  • describe the various types of anxiety disorders, underlying factors and treatments, and

  • outline how anxiety may develop in times of change and ways to respond.


Dr Lyn O'Grady MAPS

About the presenter(s)

Dr Lyn O’Grady is a Community Psychologist with a particular interest in child and adolescent mental health. In a career spanning almost thirty years, she has a wide range of experiences across a number of sectors. She has worked as a school psychologist, with parents in community-based organisations and managed the KidsMatter project for the Australian Psychological Society. She currently works in private practice as well as with the College of Professional Psychology. In 2017 she completed a Master of Suicidology and has been writing, consulting and training in this area since then. She recently published her first book for parents titled “Keeping our Kids Alive, Parenting a suicidal young person”. Lyn is also an AHPRA approved supervisor.

CPD Approved


Recording of webinar: 30 July 2020

APS member: $30.00
APS student member: $15.00
NZPsS member: $30.00
Non-member: $45.00