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2020 Annual Report

Recognising member excellence and achievement

In 2020 the APS awarded the status of Fellow or Life Member to close to 40 members. The recognition of Fellow reflects significant contribution, and the status of Life Member reflects over 50 years of membership. Members were also recognised through the APS Awards, with categories that stretch from early career and teaching, to excellence in research, and from academic mentoring, to distinguished contributions by psychologists at later career stage.

New Fellows

Fellows are esteemed Members of the APS. They are senior psychologists who have made a significant contribution to the APS and the profession over a significant period of time.

Dr Gary Banks FAPS
Dr Lauren Breen FAPS
Ms Tamara Cavenett FAPS
Mr Anthony Cole FAPS
Ms Beverley Ernst FAPS
Ms Kaye Frankcom FAPS
Dr Aaron Frost FAPS
Dr Moyna Glenn Goold FAPS
Dr Nigar Khawaja FAPS
Dr Simon Kinsella FAPS
Ms Judith Marty FAPS
Dr Brendan Meagher FAPS
Mr Jason Pratt FAPS
Prof Tracey Wade FAPS
Assoc Prof Christopher Willcox FAPS

New Life Members

The status of Life Member is awarded to those members who have held at least 50 years membership with the APS.

In 2020, the APS celebrated the milestone reached by Emeritus Professor Ron Taft AM Hon FAPS, of 75 years of membership and 100 years of life.

Ron is our longest serving member, having been involved with the Australian Psychological Society from its very first days. Ron was a founding member who was at the table during the inaugural 1944 meeting of the APS precursor, the Australian Branch of the British Psychological Society. He was integral to the founding of the APS in 1966 and has been described as a ‘pioneer’ of the psychology profession – in particular, within psychology research in the area of immigration. Ron’s love for psychology and his passion for sharing this with others is to be admired. 

Emeritus Professor Ron Taft AM Hon FAPS

Mr Warren Barr MAPS
Dr Penny Brabin FAPS
Mrs Christina Brown MAPS
Dr Fiona Bryer MAPS
Prof Donald Byrne FAPS
Mr Anthony Cole MAPS
Assoc Prof Roger Cook FAPS
Ms Gwen Crawford MAPS
Dr Samuel Das MAPS
Em Prof Graham Davidson Hon FAPS
Mr Peter Dunn MAPS
Assoc Prof Erica Frydenberg AM Hon FAPS
Mr Frank Horwill MAPS
Dr William Martin MAPS
Dr Stephen Meredith MAPS
Mr Bruce Merritt MAPS
Mr Geoffrey Payne FAPS
Ms Anne Sinclair MAPS
Mrs Janet Stone MAPS
Mrs Elizabeth Thompson MAPS
Dr Miriam Tisher MAPS
Mr Stephen Ward MAPS
Dr Alison Weber MAPS
Dr George Wills FAPS

2019 Queen’s Birthday Honours

Member in the General Division of the Order of Australia (AM)

Mrs Lucinda Brogden AM for significant service to workplace mental health and wellbeing.

Emeritus Professor Ralph Hall AM MAPS for significant service to higher education as an academic, and to the community.

Dr William Sultmann AM MAPS for significant service to education, and to the community.

Dr Lizabeth Tong AM MAPS for significant service to medicine, particularly to child mental health.

2020 Australia Day Honours

Officer (AO) in the General Division of the Order Of Australia

Prof Matthew Sanders AO FAPS for distinguished service to education and research in clinical psychology, and to child, parent and family wellbeing.

Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order Of Australia

Assoc Prof Erica Frydenberg AM  Hon FAPS for significant service to psychology as a researcher, educator and adviser.

Professor Lea Elizabeth Waters-Scholes AM  MAPS for significant service to education, and to psychology.

Australian Corrections Medal (ACM)

Ms Jenny Lynas ACM for commitment and dedication to protecting the community of Queensland through the management of high risk, dangerous sex offenders and their safe reintegration into the community under care, control and treatment.

The APS encourages its members to nominate deserving colleagues for an Australian Honour. 

2019 APS Awards recipients

The prestigious APS Awards recognise and honour outstanding contributions to psychological education, science and practice from psychologists at the earliest stages of their careers, through to accomplished leaders. The recipients of these awards are announced in April each year. Congratulations to the 2019 recipients.

President's Award for Distinguished Contribution to Psychology in Australia 
This later career stage Award recognises contributions that have made a difference to psychology in Australia and the Australian community. The Award may be in any field of psychology.

Prof Shane Thomas MAPS

Dr Pat Dudgeon FAPS

Distinguished Contribution to Psychological Science Award
This Award recognises distinguished theoretical or empirical contributions to psychology by psychologists at mid or later career stages. The contribution may lead to the understanding or amelioration of an important practical problem.

Prof Martine Powell FAPS Griffith University

Distinguished Contribution to Psychological Education Award
This Award recognises outstanding contribution to the education of psychologists over an extended period in Australia.

Prof Craig Gonsalvez FAPS Western Sydney University

Early Career Research Award 
This Award is intended for candidates whose scientific achievements are outstanding and place them significantly ahead of their peers.

Dr Carly Johnco MAPS Macquarie University

Dr Tim Ballard MAPS University of Queensland

Dr Milena Gandy MAPS Macquarie University

Dr Halley Pontes MAPS University of Tasmania

Early Career Teaching Award 
This Award encourages developing teachers at Australian higher education providers who demonstrate potential for excellence. It is intended to recognise candidates whose skill and commitment to teaching in psychology, and promotion of student learning, places them significantly ahead of their peers.

Dr Nadine Brayley MAPS Queensland University of Technology 

Dr Madeleine Ferrari MAPS Australian Catholic University

Award for Excellent PhD Thesis in Psychology
This Award is offered for the purpose of encouraging and rewarding outstanding research in psychology.

Dr David Preece MAPS Edith Cowan University

Dr Gabrielle King MAPS University of New South Wales

Dr Alana Fisher MAPS University of Sydney

Media Award for Public Engagement with Psychological Science
This Award recognises an outstanding individual who has given a public voice to psychological science through the communication of high-quality research or the promotion of psychological science more generally to the public.

A/Prof Ben Colagiuri University of Sydney

Outstanding Academic Mentor Award 
This Award recognises an outstanding individual in the mid-to-late career stage who has mentored and guided a significant number of early career psychological scientists. The Award seeks to honour an individual who has demonstrated extraordinary leadership and support to peers and students and is committed to the advancement of the discipline and profession of psychology.

Prof Peter Norton Monash University

APS Prize

The APS Prize is awarded to each student who gains first place at the end of an accredited fourth-year program in psychology through an Australian higher education provider.

Ella Tremaine 
Australian Catholic University 
The impact of self-compassion on the relationship between perfectionism and depression in athletes 

Amanda Bugbird 
Australian College of Applied Psychology
Comparing the SDQ with comprehensive measures of adaptive functioning and behaviour 

Nericia Brown 
Australian National University 
Exploring decision-making in multiple judgements of confidence in eyewitness identification tasks 

Rhianna Lovegrove 
Bond University 
Muscle strength to mental strength: Exercise and age-related cognitive decline 

Rebecca Blockley-Jackson 
Cairnmillar Institute 
Sexual pain and wellbeing: The role of the fear-avoidance model of pain and partner responses 

Jessica Conroy 
Central Queensland University 
Exploring trauma-informed schooling knowledge and classroom management practices in Central Queensland catholic schools 

Leah Kite 
Charles Darwin University 
Transition from military to civilian: Identity, social connectedness, and veteran wellbeing 

Rebecca Rayner 
Charles Sturt University 
You snooze, you lose? The effect of ‘snoozing’ (postponing) reminders on prospective memory retrieval processes 

Sarah Flynn 
Curtin University 
Alexithymia, difficulties in emotion regulation, emotion regulatory self- efficacy, and non-suicidal self-injury: Testing a moderated mediation model 

Brenton Russell 
Deakin University 
The role of self-deception and time since adversity in self-perceived posttraumatic growth 

Marie Smith 
Edith Cowan University 
Personal care workers’ perceptions and experiences of sexual expression in residential aged care facilities 

Maicee Harrison 
Federation University Australia 
The influence of Indigenous racial priming and stereotype consistency on eyewitness memory 

Inessa Harpas 
Flinders University
Does event context moderate the effect of testing on misinformation recall in the household scene paradigm? 

Swaminathan Meera 
Griffith University 
Moralisation and personal responsibility as mechanisms of lung cancer stigma 

Jessica Pryke 
ISN Psychology 
Prolonged calorie restriction in the ageing rat: Effects on anxiety-like behaviour at 6, 12 and 18 months 

Linda Nerboni 
James Cook University 
Neuroticism, forgiveness, and regulatory emotional self-efficacy: Interpersonal offense victimisation and bullying scenario responses 

Kira-Elise Wilson 
La Trobe University 
Acute and chronic fluoxetine administration differentially modulate midline ventral tegmental nucleus dopaminergic neuronal activity and exploratory behaviour in female balb/c mice 

Karina Mei Li Chan 
Macquarie University 
Food for thought: The effect of Western- style diets on cognition and overeating 

Kealan Bree Pugsley 
Monash University 
Establishing KDM4A-AS1 knock- out model for attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder 

Pek Yen Lee 
Murdoch University 
Child contingent self-esteem mediates the link between need frustration and psychological control 

Cherie Sonnenburg 
Queensland University of Technology 
Postnatal depression: The role of sociocultural ideals of motherhood, shame, and belongingness 

Martin Mitrevski 
RMIT University 
Metatraits of personality assessed in a cross-cultural meta-analysis 

Leshay Wells 
Southern Cross University 
School teacher wellbeing: The roles of self-compassion and psychological flexibility 

Elyse O’Loghlen 
Swinburne University of Technology 
Exploring the affect regulation model of disordered eating in the postpartum: Role of body dissatisfaction, dysfunctional beliefs about motherhood, and self-compassion 

Chelsea Parsons 
University of Adelaide 
Inflammation and anxiety-based disorders in children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis 

Sonia Curll 
University of Canberra 
Cure or curse? The psychological implications of identifying as overweight or obese 

Joshua White 
University of Melbourne 
Moral judgements of fairness: Negative valence and contextual-information expectancy induce judgement uncertainty 

Samuel Hatfield 
University of New England 
Neurodynamics of the laughing mind 

Sophie Champion 
University of New South Wales 
Investigating the effect of expression intensity on facial mimicry responding 

Thomas Goodwin 
University of Newcastle 
Novel indicators of cognitive impairment and neuroaxonal damage in end stage kidney disease 

Alexandra Neary 
University of Queensland 
Effects of multitasking on interpreting a spearcon display for patient monitoring 

Sophie Jano 
University of South Australia 
Differential patterns for true and false memories across sleep: an event- related potential investigation 

Nadia Snip 
University of Southern Queensland 
Transience and facilitative effects of phonemic codes in cued recall tasks 

Jordan Martenstyn 
University of Sydney 
Mental contrasting with implementation intentions (MCII) and goal-directed outcomes: Theoretical conceptions
and comparison with solution-focused coaching (sfc) questions 

Ashten de Haan 
University of Tasmania 
The effects of selective feedback on visual search target detection 

Jalasayi Atkinson-Nolte 
University of the Sunshine Coast 
A qualitative exploration of perceptions of climate change in peripheral Fiji 

Pheobe Ho 
University of Western Australia 
The relationship between social media use and shape and weight concerns: Exploring the role of media internalisation 

Thomas Rout 
University of Wollongong 
The relationship between arousal and global alpha power in a mind-wandering context 

Liana Brasacchio 
Victoria University
Predictors of bystander intentions in responding to sexual and intimate partner violence against women 

Jasmin Schlage
Western Sydney University
Exploring the usage of mental health applications in young people at risk of mental illness