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2020 Annual Report

Psychological science

The Division of Psychological Research Education and Training (DPRET) Forum began the year with a strategic planning exercise, culminating in a strategic plan for the upcoming triennium. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the focus of the Forum had to shift to issues directly related to the change in circumstance for the membership.

This work was undertaken with a survey to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on members' academic, teaching and research activities. The flow on effect of the virus to the broader University sector has been a high focus of concern for the Forum and both the Society and the Forum have advocated vigorously for appropriate funding and support for the higher education sector.

Research activities

During the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia, the APS has been surveying members to find out about the impact of the pandemic on their work. The surveys were part of a combined effort with other allied health associations to better understand the impact of COVID-19 on allied health practices. A series of surveys tailored for the work and experiences were undertaken for different member sectors – academic and research, school, private practice, organisational psychology, and the public sector. The results have been shared with government as part of our ongoing advocacy efforts. They will also be used to inform the development of future resources, education and training, as well as InPsych articles and media activity.

In 2020, the APS also encouraged members who had conducted research specifically around the impact and effects of COVID-19 to share these with the National Office. These will be shared with members and the community in the 2020-2021 membership year.