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Digital Me study shows increase in teenagers using social media

New study shows increase in teenagers using social media, parents not monitoring online use

Do you know what teenagers are up to online?

The Digital Me report released by the Australian Psychological Society on the weekend found 79 per cent of teens are highly involved with their mobile phone, and use social media throughout the day for an average of 3.3 hours, on five or more days in the week.

It also revealed 15 per cent of teens said they were being contacted by strangers on a daily basis, and almost 29 per cent had been bullied on social media in the past 12 months.

Australian Psychological Society manager of strategic projects Dr Lyn O’Grady told ABC Radio Canberra breakfast host Dan Bourchier, the study also found 60 per cent of parents said they never monitor their child’s social media account or use.


Duration: 9min 33sec