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APS in the news

2017 APS in the news

How your social media use affects your mental health
13 November 2017 | In the media - Radio: Talking Lifestyles
Digital Me study shows increase in teenagers using social media
13 November 2017 | In the media - Radio: ABC Canberra Breakfast
Australian Psychological Society Social Media survey
13 November 2017 | In the media - The Macleay Argus
Teens spend 1200 hours a year on social media
11 November 2017 | In the media - SBS News online
New study into time spent on social media
11 November 2017 | In the media - Sky News.com.au
Parents don’t monitor teens online activity
11 November 2017 | In the media - Australian Journal of Pharmacy
Just be more real: Backlash against social media
11 November 2017 | In the media - Sydney Morning Herald