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Assessment of overseas qualifications

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) is the national assessing authority in Australia for the assessment of academic qualifications in psychology for:

  • Migration purposes: Skills Assessments 

  • University entry purposes: Applications to APAC accredited courses 

  • Employment purposes

The APS assesses the level at which an applicant’s qualifications are comparable to an APAC accredited programs of study in psychology.

The APS does not assess psychology qualifications for the purpose of registration. You must apply directly to the Psychology Board of Australia for provisional or general registration to practise as a psychologist in Australia.

How to submit your application

If you wish to submit your application for the above purposes, please submit your application online below: 

APS Assessment Application Form

You will find a list of required documentation at the above link. 

Please make sure that you have the required documentation ready and that your scanned documentation meets the following requirements:

  • High resolution colour scans of the original documents
  • High resolution colour scans of certified copies of the originals documents

APS Assessment for Skilled Employment History 
To determine whether you have a basis for applying for an Assessment of Skilled Employment History, please read carefully through the Minimum Prerequisite Checklist.

Information regarding Assessment for Skilled Employment History can be found here

For skilled migration

The Australian government has nominated the Australian Psychological Society (APS) as the assessing body for overseas psychologists applying for migration to Australia under the Skilled Migration categories. This means the APS is the only body in Australia that can assess psychology qualifications for migration to Australia under these categories.

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For university entry

Most universities and higher education providers require an APS assessment of psychology qualifications.  This assessment should be requested before applying for entry to an APAC accredited course in psychology.

Students seeking to apply for APAC accredited postgraduate psychology programs only require an APS assessment and do NOT need an assessment from the Psychology Board of Australia. Students will however need to apply for provisional registration with the Psychology Board of Australia. Evidence of your enrolment in an accredited postgraduate degree is sufficient to apply for provisional registration with the Psychology Board of Australia.

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For employment purposes

Your employer may request you undergo an APS assessment of psychology qualifications for employment purposes. It is important to note this assessment may not be used for registration.

Your employer may request that you have an APS assessment conducted as many psychology graduates work in higher education or fields related to psychology where registration as a psychologist may not be required.

It is important to note that psychology is a regulated profession, and only those who hold registration as a psychologist may describe themselves as a psychologist.

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Assessment of overseas qualifications for registration

As of 1 June 2016 the Australian Psychological Society is no longer accepting applications for assessment of psychology qualifications for the purpose of registration.

For provisional or general registration to practise as a psychologist in Australia, you must apply directly to the Psychology Board of Australia.