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Submission to Melbourne Inquiry into Proposed Activities (Public Amenity and Security) Local Law

This submission was made by the APS to the Melbourne City Council Inquiry into the Proposed Activities (Public Amenity and Security) Local Law 2017.

The APS believes that access to adequate, safe, affordable housing is a fundamental right that forms the basis for achieving individual and community wellbeing, which are central tenets of psychology. The APS is concerned that the Proposed Activities Local Law 2017 will negatively impact on those experiencing homelessness, making an already vulnerable group less safe and more at risk.

Therefore, the APS does not support this proposed amendment, and urges Council instead to work collaboratively with the city’s homeless campers and their peak advocacy groups to lobby other levels of government that may be best placed to address the causes of homelessness and provide access to adequate, safe and affordable housing.

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