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Submission to Senate Inquiry into the harm being done to Australian children through access to pornography on the Internet

This document is a submission made in 2016 by the APS to the Senate Environment and Communications References Committee Inquiry into the harm being done to Australian children through access to pornography on the internet.

In this submission, the APS draws on available evidence on the effects of pornography on young people and relationships. This includes the broader societal effects of representations of sex, sexuality, violence and online exposure and access to pornography, as well as changing social mores, particularly concerning sexual practices which may emanate from the impact of pornography.

Parents and schools have an important role to play in monitoring and boundary setting for young people in relation to cyber safety and the provision of quality, inclusive and relationally-based sex education to all young people.

The APS recommended that governments, industry, schools and community organisations work together to raise awareness of the harmful impact of pornography on young people, and to develop appropriate policy and legislative responses to prevent this harm. It was also recommended that young people themselves be engaged in developing initiatives to counter prevailing cultures of pornography and sexualisation.

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