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The bulletin of the Australian Psychological Society

Professional practice

April 2013

As the government regulator for the psychology profession, the Psychology Board of Australia's (PsyBA) core role is to protect the public. One of the key ways the PsyBA does this is to investigate and act on concerns raised about individual psychologists through the ‘notification’...

April 2013

The APS receives a number of queries from members who have been the subject of a notification associated with their registration as a psychologist, which is a situation that creates a great deal of anxiety. The following questions and answers have been prepared by professional practice and ethics...

April 2013 | Jill Giese

Clients receiving treatment from psychologists under the Better Access initiative are starting to reach the 10 session limit for the calendar year, and the reductions to the Better Access session allowance that have been applied from this year are increasingly having an impact. APS advocacy for...

April 2013 | David Stokes

Psychologists have a responsibility to maintain the security of their psychological tests, both during their period of use and after. Many psychologists find it difficult to know what to do with obsolete or outdated tests in their possession or how to dispose of them when they discontinue...

February 2013

It has been said that testing is the seed from which psychology grew1. Today, psychological testing continues to be a central feature in the work of many psychologists and is a core component of psychological training. Psychologists are required to meet competencies in psychological test use...

February 2013 | Susan Beaton, Dr Peter Forster, Dr Myfanwy Maple

Suicide is not a sin and is no longer a crime, so we should stop saying that people ‘commit’ suicide. This article highlights the importance of using appropriate, non-stigmatising terminology when referring to suicide.

December 2012

Psychologists frequently find themselves faced with multiple relationships, or the potential for them, in the course of their professional lives, which can present some challenging ethical dilemmas. To define a multiple relationship, it would occur if a psychologist who is providing a...

December 2012

In August 2011, the Productivity Commission released its report into disability care and support in Australia. The report determined that disability services in Australia were underfunded and unfair in that the provision of services varied according to a number of factors such as living location...

October 2012

The Federal Government has recently introduced some new arrangements related to bulk billing and claiming for services provided or received through the Medicare Benefits Schedule. These changes apply to all services provided under Medicare, including those provided under the Better Access...

October 2012 | Dr David Maddocks, Associate Professor Paul McCrory

Recently there has been a great deal of media interest in suggestions of serious long-term health effects in former United States National Football League (NFL) footballers, resulting from concussion in their playing days. Some commentators have described the incidence of post-concussive...

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