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Habits of healthy relationships

Couples that successfully navigate life transitions are those who take time to talk about how they can manage changes together.8 Consistent positive emotions and behaviours can protect against the regular ups and downs of life.20,21

Couples who express positive feelings and see each other in a positive light are more likely to experience success in their relationship,19 while positive views of the bond can help promote relationship stability22 and protect against negative feelings, even during arguments.23 Forgiveness,24 as well as feeling and expressing gratitude,25 both have positive effects on the relationship.

Whilst stressful events can have a negative impact on a relationship, they can also help to develop strong coping skills within the couple. Successfully coping with small stressors early on in the relationship can lead to increased knowledge and confidence in managing future difficulties.26

The ability to listen to and understand the other person’s point of view and emotional experience, share one’s ownthoughts and experience with one’s partner, and engage in problem-solving together are also characteristics of rewarding and successful relationships. These qualities help couples not only to overcome life stress together but also to strengthen their relationship through good times and bad.27

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