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InPsych 2021 | Vol 43

February/March | Issue 1


APS Prize

APS Prize

The APS Prize is awarded to each student who gains first place at the end of an accredited fourth-year program in psychology through an Australian higher education provider.

Madeleine Sicard

Australian Catholic University

Can social media facilitate social change? #MeToo and attitudes towards gender equality and feminism

Angela Colson

Australian College of Applied Psychology

Australian consumers with chronic pain: Exploring barriers to evidence-based psychological interventions

Ellen Shi

Australian National University

Pandemic and prejudice: How a realistic threat differentially undermines contact with out-groups

Lauran Sharam

Bond University

A room with a view: The influence of environmental features on mood and cognitive performance

Sarah O’Connell

Cairnmillar Institute

The relevance of music in the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer people: A qualitative study

Ryan Eather

Central Queensland University

Association between healthful plant-based dietary patterns and depressive mood in Australian omnivores, vegans, and vegetarians

Jennifer Packer

Charles Darwin University

Subtypes of gamblers across variables of impulsivity, outcome expectancies, psychological distress, and cognitive distortions

Adam Dalton

Charles Sturt University

Partnered gay and bisexual men’s construction of non-monogamous sexual agreements in an era of biomedical HIV prevention: An Australian qualitative study

Tara Swindells

Curtin University

Thinking about friends: Friendship and cognitions in nonsuicidal self-injury

Elias Economou

Deakin University

Comparing the effectiveness of hopeful versus mixed emotions message frames on climate change policy support in the United States

Erin Nichols

Edith Cowan University

Psychological distress in Australian psychology undergraduates: Exploring the role of self-care, dispositional mindfulness, and autonomous functioning

Victoria (Molly) Branson

Federation University Australia

Dangerous dating in the digital age: Jealousy, hostility, narcissism, and psychopathy as predictors of cyber dating abuse

Catherine Keeping

Flinders University

Intrusions with and without meta-awareness: Do they differ?

Claire Pryor

Griffith University

An examination of current compassion measures and the relationships between compassion for others, self-compassion and well-being

Jennifer Ann Bullers

ISN Psychology

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the subjective wellbeing of the Australian population: Does it matter who you live with?

Taylor-Jane Sharouni

James Cook University

Self-affirmations in the ‘real’ world: Use, content and associations with wellbeing

Timucin Sezai

La Trobe University

Visual processing abnormalities in the interictal period between migraines: A meta-analysis

Christine Inkley

Macquarie University

Getting the point across: Using immersive virtual reality to investigate the role of eye gaze during point-based joint attention

Jill Hwang

Monash University

A qualitative study on the attitudes and approaches of Australian health professionals in addressing sexuality after acquired brain injury

Varun Gandhi

Murdoch University

Visual perceptual-cognitive performance in submarine-task relevant domains

Emma Carpendale

Queensland University of Technology

Impaired verbal learning among children at risk for schizophrenia

Jasmine Randone

RMIT University

The victim-offender overlap: An analysis of high-risk youth

Sophia Barry

Southern Cross University

The impact of open goals on psychological outcomes and physical activity maintenance in a 10-week walking program

Ellie Hall-Prvulj

Swinburne University of Technology

Patterns of emotional regulation and expression in adulthood: The role of childhood emotional invalidation and adult attachment

Minling Tan

University of Adelaide

Single or dual processing in reasoning development? An application of state-trace analysis to a systematic database of studies

Amy Eades

University of Canberra

The modern understanding of supraspinal pain processing and novel interventions for the modulation of pain

Vinay Mepani

University of Melbourne

Reaction time does not positively correlate with midfrontal theta power in a time-pressured non-conflict task

Sophie Yoko Steains

University of New England

Efficacy of psychological interventions for selective mutism: A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

Gabrielle Lambert-Bridges

University of New South Wales

The structure of aversive learning

Jessica Grimmond

University of Newcastle

To see or not to see (correlations): The effects of similarity and attribute correlation on mental representations

Manikya Alister

University of Queensland

Prioritisation under pressure: The effect of deliberation time on multiple goal pursuit

Chloe Dziego

University of South Australia

The N400 as a marker of differential neural processing of pain-related language in persistent pain patients

Alison Moss

University of Southern Queensland

Considering psychological flexibility in the relationship between job demands and burnout

Daelin Coutts-Bain

University of Sydney

Are fear of cancer recurrence and fear of progression equivalent constructs? An empirical investigation

Simon Webber

University of Tasmania

Reward and punishment as sources of motivation and response bias in perceptual decisions

Darrell Eckley

University of the Sunshine Coast

COVID-19’s impact on the processes of learning in Australian university students

Tom Fiocco Walton

University of Western Australia

Sleep discrepancy and insomnia: An investigation using polynomial regression with response surface analysis

Megan Jane Wells

University of Wollongong

Preliminary validation of the substance use motives measure (SUMM) among young people in Australia

Christopher Rainbow

Victoria University

Suicide risk in online help-seekers: Exploring psychosocial factors contributing to increased suicidal ideation

Dean Berg

Western Sydney University

Use of mobile mindfulness apps in young adults with depression


Disclaimer: Published in InPsych on March 2021. The APS aims to ensure that information published in InPsych is current and accurate at the time of publication. Changes after publication may affect the accuracy of this information. Readers are responsible for ascertaining the currency and completeness of information they rely on, which is particularly important for government initiatives, legislation or best-practice principles which are open to amendment. The information provided in InPsych does not replace obtaining appropriate professional and/or legal advice.