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Organisational Psychology Endorsement Group Supervision program (OPEGS)

The APS College of Organisational Psychologists is excited to bring you the OPEGs program. Group supervision is a great way to learn from different supervisors and your peers completing the endorsement program. Feedback from previous programs has outlined the value in hearing different perspectives, how people managed work challenges and perhaps most importantly, how a community of networked registrars developed who can now call on each other as they progress through their careers.

Who is this program for?

Registrars undertaking their Organisational Psychologist endorsement pathway. As part of your endorsement, you can complete up to 33% of your supervision hours via group supervision.

The OPEGS program covers the 8 competencies that registrars need to be deemed competent against. This will occur across 12 x 2 hour predominantly online sessions over 18 months (this equates to 24 hours of group supervision). Some of the competencies have been split into 2 sessions due to their requirements.

Small group learning

As per the requirements of group supervision, there is a maximum of 10 registrars per session. This means it will be an intimate group of your peers that you will be learning from as you discuss different topics pertaining to the specific competency that the session covers.

When are the sessions?

Starting in September 2024, there will be group supervision sessions running concurrently by the local COP committees of QLD, ACT/NSW and VIC.

Is there a cost?

APS COP Members: $50 per session

Non-APS Members: $100 per session

What to expect

The group supervision sessions are facilitated discussions, requiring active participation, self-reflection and application of your knowledge. There may be pre-work ahead of sessions.

When can I start?

You can join the OPEGs program at any time of your registrar program. Please reach out to your local APS COPs members below to discuss being involved in the program.

I would like to be involved as supervisor?

We are always looking for supervisors to run the sessions. Please reach out to your local APS COPs members below to discuss being involved in the program. 

OPEGs contacts


Sam Popple

[email protected]


Warwick Graco

[email protected]


Raymond Kuhnell

[email protected]

Useful Links