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Advocacy and campaigns

We are focused on community wellbeing and social justice, advocating to governments, stakeholders and the community about the role psychology can play to help improve lives

With our community of 27,000+ members and over 50 years of experience, we have the reach and influence it takes to push for better outcomes for our patients and communities.

Contributing knowledge

Membership on more than 40 influencial committees enables us to exert influence on policy development in health, welfare, education and other issues that relate to psychology in Australia.

We draw on expert members and professional staff to develop submissions to parliamentary inquiries on issues of community concern where psychological knowledge has a contribution to make.

Advocating with the PsyBA

The APS advocates strongly with the Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA), representing member concerns and working to ensure that registration supports a strong profession.

With a large and diverse membership, we are well informed on the implications of registration requirements and able to provide expert and up-to-date information to members.

Working with politicians

Advocacy with government ministers, other parliamentarians and their advisors ensures the contribution of psychologists is well recognised by the Australian community .

We draw on evidence to make a compelling case for funded access to psychological services and ongoing investment in psychology education and research.

Speaking up for psychologists

We monitor workforce trends and represent members on influential committees and with key employers.

This enables strong input to ensure viable training and employment opportunities in psychology and ensures world-class standards in psychology education.