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2022 APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists Conference

Friday 04 - Saturday 05 November 2022



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Full conference registration

Virtual | Monday 31 October to Wednesday 02 November 2022.
In-person | Friday 04 November and Saturday 05 November 2022 in Sydney at the Manly Pacific hotel along with access to 2 streams of recorded virtual content post event.

Includes: Virtual online program from Monday to Wednesday, post event recordings of the virtual program and two streams of the in-person program. Access to all recorded sessions post conference for up to 3 months. Friday and Saturday include Morning/afternoon tea & lunch and attendance to all in-person sessions and the Welcome Reception on Friday. 


Early bird





APS member



CCN student member

$110.00 $330.00

APS student member



Non member



A few things to note: 

  • All prices are in Australian Dollars and inclusive of GST.
  • During the registration process a donation will added of $10-$20.  
  • Early bird registration closes at midnight on Sunday 25 Septmeber 2022.
  • We are not offering day registrations as the conference is an entire package jam packed full of value. 
  • All registrations will be checked against member eligibility. If you are not a APS member and would like to join or upgrade your membership please contact our membership team to by emailing [email protected]. Once your membership has been approved, please register.

Register now


We are trying to do things a little differently with this conference. We have partnered with the Australian Indigenous Psychology Association and The Seedling Group to develop a conference that is culturally safe and trauma informed. 

Although Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people represent 3% of Australia’s population, they represent only 1% of the Australian psychology profession. Worse still, to our knowledge, there are no neuropsychologists across Australia that identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. 
In order to truly work in a culturally safe way we need colleagues of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent in our ranks. 
So, in the spirit of the overall theme of this year’s conference, checking our blindspots, and with deep respect for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander psychology students and colleagues, we are adding a small amount ($10-$20 depending on your ticket type) to the conference fee. This ‘donation’ will go towards the Bendi Lango Bursary, which was established by the Australian Psychological Society to support postgraduate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander psychology students. We hope that this gesture is one small step to closing the gap. If you are in a position to donate more than this amount, please do! If you have any questions about this, please get in contact with the [email protected].

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