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2022 APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists Conference

Friday 04 - Saturday 05 November 2022


Checking our blind spots: Evolving neuropsychology

View the full program here

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) College of Clinical Neuropsychologists Conference will be held in Sydney on Friday 04 November and Saturday 05 November 2022 at the Sydney Manly Pacific.

The in-person and virtual components will be treated as one program allowing us to create a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for all. 

  • Virtual | Monday 31 October to Wednesday 02 November 2022 online
  • In-person | Friday 04 November and Saturday 05 November 2022 in-person live presentations that will be held in Sydney at the Manly Pacific hotel.

This year’s conference program hopes to uncover and highlight potential blind spots we may overlook in our practice and challenge us to consider different perspectives. We have partnered with the Australian Indigenous Psychologists Association (AIPA) and The Seedling Group to include a focus on topics such as decolonising (neuro)psychology, cultural safety and trauma informed care and we will consider traditional topics from this lens. Additionally, we encourage a broad range of areas of interest where evolving perceptions, social norms and research are shedding new light on how neuropsychology is evolving as a profession in Australia and internationally. 

Cultural safety and trauma informed care

Jody Kamminga from the conference organising committee sits down  for a fireside chat with Kelleigh Ryan of The Seedling Group, to chat about Cultural Safety and Trauma Informed Care and how it might be relevant for neuropsychologists. 

Come along to the conference to learn more! 

View the full program here

Keynote presenters

We are pleased to welcome the following keynote presenters to the 2022 program. Each presentation has been curated to inform and inspire you, discover more by selecting their profile image below.