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2022 APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists Conference

Friday 04 - Saturday 05 November 2022

APS Event Attendee Terms, Conditions & Cancellations

About the policy

These attendee conditions apply to the (APS) College of Clinical Neuropsychologists Conference Psychological Society who has registered, enrolled or been invited to attend an APS event. Please read these attendee conditions carefully as they contain important information. You acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by these attendee conditions upon:

  1. submitting a completed registration (manual or digital); or
  2. attending or participating in the event, if you are not required to pre-register for it

Registration and payment

Acceptance of registration is at the discretion of the APS and all attendees who are required to register for an event, will be provided with a written confirmation upon full payment of any fees. The APS reserves the right to decline any registration, if so the APS will refund or not process any monies then paid.

The APS reserves the right to change the fee at any time but changes will not affect registrations already confirmed. Payment must be received in full 14 days from the invoice date or 14 days before the conference start date, whichever comes first. Registration cannot be confirmed until payment is received, and full payment must be received prior to the conference commencing.

Please note if your registration is made less than 14 days prior to the conference the only payment option available will be credit card. Some events have limited places available. Registration, or attendance where pre-registration is not required, is on a “first-in” basis.

If the APS has invited you to attend an event without the need for registration or payment of the requisite fee, you must confirm your attendance within the time specified in the invitation (if any) in order to reserve your position.

Payment can be made in the following methods:

  1. Credit Card Payment: Visa, Mastercard & AMEX are accepted.
  2. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT): The bank details for EFT payments will be supplied on the invoice generated at the completion of your online registration. Please include the reference number in your transaction and forward your remittance advice to [email protected].
  3. Cheque Payment: The cheque instructions will be supplied on the invoice generated at the completion of your online registration.

Transfers and substitutions

Where permitted, you may substitute another attendee to attend the event in your place by written notice to the APS at least 48 hours prior to the event start date. The APS reserves the right to refuse entry to any substitute delegate for whom the APS was not provided written notice, or where relevant eligibility criteria (if any) are not satisfied. APS acceptance of substitution is also subject to the payment of any applicable additional fees for the event (for example, if the substitute is a non-member additional fees may be payable).

Registrations are not transferable between events.

Cancellation & Refunds

Where permitted, you may cancel your registration but are subject to the below terms. Notification of cancellation must be made in writing and sent by email to the APS via [email protected].

Conference registration

The APS understands that circumstances can change. At any point prior to the conference you are welcome to contact us on [email protected] to nominate a substitute attendee at no extra charge. If the substitute attendee does not qualify for the assigned registration type, then the monetary difference will apply.

  • Cancellation more than or equal to 45 days before the conference: 100% refund less an administration fee of $125 including GST
  • Cancellation less than 45days and more than 30 days before the conference: 50% refund
  • Cancellation 30 days or less: No refund

Refunds for in-person only events may vary according to the venue terms and conditions and notification period of the cancellation. Please note that every effort will be made to maximise a refund to attendees in the case of cancellations, however in some instances for in-person events, the APS may already be liable for costs such as catering.

All cancellations must be provided in writing to the Conference Organisers via [email protected].

Event changes

The APS reserves the right at any time to:

  • Change the format, participants, content, location and timing or any other aspect of an event.
  • Postpone events or any part of those events.
  • Cancel an event or any part, and will not be liable to you for any damages, costs, losses or expenses of any kind incurred or suffered by you in connection with the APS modifying, postponing or cancelling an event or any part.

Event changes may include:

Conference cancelled

In the event of cancellation by the APS or the venue, all payments made to the APS will be fully refunded. The APS will not be liable for other personal cancellation fees incurred such as flights, accommodation or transfers.

Conference postponed

In the event of postponement by the APS or the venue, all registrations will be carried over to the revised event dates unless a refund is requested. The APS will not be liable for other personal cancellation fees incurred such as flights, accommodation or transfers.

Event Content

An event’s content and program is accurate as at the time of publication. The APS may make changes to an event as required, however will use reasonable efforts to provide a program and content of equivalent standard.

Event content is obtained from sources believed to be reputable and reliable, including content developed and delivered by students. The APS accepts no liability for any inaccuracy or misrepresentation. Whilst this content is curated to provide CPD hours, this information is not professional advice or a substitute for seeking professional advice, or as a full consideration of particular circumstances faced by the user. Acting in accordance with information provided by an event does not guarantee discharge of any duty. Participants are expected to exercise their own judgement as to the suitability and applicability of information provided during any event.

COVID, health and safety

Vaccination requirements

The APS has determined that in-person events run by the APS and its Colleges, Branches, Interest Groups and other member groups must be held in accordance with a COVID Safe plan, including the requirement for all attendees, presenters, and staff to be fully vaccinated. The APS understands and respects the right of individuals who choose to not be vaccinated or who prefer not to disclose their vaccination status and offers a wide range of virtual and on-line education and events to suit every career stage.

The APS reserves the right to update the COVID protocols to ensure the health and safety of participants, including but not limited to event entry requirements. Participants may be excluded if they do not comply with the requirements of the COVID Safety Guidelines and protocols. Please note that attendees may also be subject to Federal and/or State Government penalties for not adhering to health directions.

If you are unwell or have COVID and/or cold and flu like symptoms, you are asked to not attend the in-person event. Please refer to our cancellation and refund terms for further details.

Venue requirements

Attendees acknowledge that different event venues may have requirements different to those outlined in these terms and agreements. Unless the venue requirements are more stringent, the APS guidelines are to be followed. The APS will communicate any different requirements in pre-event communication to attendees.


As of November 2021, each state and territory Government has implemented its own requirements regarding the wearing of masks. Attendees must adhere to the mask requirements of the state in which the in-person element/s of the event is being held. The APS recommends that every attendee bring a mask to any in-person events as a precaution. It is the responsibility of the individual to check and comply with government health directions. The APS cannot be held liable or responsible for individual penalties issued while attending an APS event.

Physical distancing

The APS asks all attendees to in-person events to comply with the venue and state or territory Government’s health direction regarding physical distancing.

Contactless registration

When hosting an event, wherever possible, the APS will utilize contactless registration. This can be managed in several ways including:


If traditional pre-printed name badges or lanyards are utilized the APS will position them in alphabetical order by surname for delegates to retrieve, rather than being found and handed over by a staff member. Please note that your name badge will include the below details which will be visible for all attendees to view:

  • Salutation i.e. Dr, Professor etc
  • First Name
  • Surname
  • Organisation (if advised)
QR codes:

For large events the APS may utilise check in by scanning a personalised QR code, emailed to attendees prior to the event or contained within a conference app. After checking in at the event via a registration terminal, a name badge will be printed for each attendee which the attendee can then attach to a self-collected lanyard.

Contract tracing

Attendees at all APS events are required to follow all directions with regards to contract tracing, including using a venue or government COVID-19 app to check in at the venue.


APS event organisers will work closely with venues to ensure adherence to hygiene and government protocols are in place. This may include:

  • contactless sanitization stations
  • regular COVID Safe cleaning of public thorough-fares and public spaces including bathrooms
  • clearly signed capacity restrictions
  • Government signage on hygiene best practices

Attendees are asked to help slow the spread of COVID by following good personal hygiene practices.

Disruption due to COVID-19 impact

Your registration can be discounted. We know that sometimes COVID can knock you for a six and you will be unable to travel. Remember your registration entitles you to the online program where you can participate from home from Monday to Wednesday. If you can't make it on those days, most of this content will be made available up to three months post event. In addition, the in-person program has three streams running on Friday and Saturday with two of those streams being recorded and made available online post event again for up to 3 months providing you with a wealth of on-demand content to watch at times that work for you.

If you still would like to go ahead with your registration but can't make it in-person due to COVID, we are happy to refund a flat rate of $120 and $60 for students.  

Alternatively, we will offer a full refund to anyone who contracts COVID, can no longer attend and does not want to have access to any of the program.

We are happy to do this if you are unable to attend due to the following:

  • You have contracted COVID-19
  • You will be in mandatory isolation over the conference dates
  • You are unable to travel due to government restrictions (such as border closure)

Any reasons outside of the list above will be handled on a case-by-case basis.


Should you travel to attend this event, you acknowledge that you do so at your own risk and are responsible for ensuring you adhere to all State, Federal and Local government requirements, health orders and restrictions. You acknowledge that by travelling at your own risk the APS will not be held liable for any additional costs or losses incurred due to changes in travel restrictions. This includes but is not limited to expenses and losses such as mandatory hotel quarantine, loss of business or business opportunity and extended accommodation requirements due to border closures. Any such costs and/or losses incurred or suffered by the presenter are the responsibility of the individual attendee.

Delegate’s rights and obligations

By registering, you warrant your details as provided are true and correct.

You must comply with any particular conditions, rules, regulations or usage requirements of the Platform or of the APS in connection with an event. Any delegate guides are available from the APS on request. The APS will use reasonable efforts to update you of subsequent amendments.

You are expected to behave in a professional and appropriate manner at all events consistent with the APS Member Code of Conduct and the law.

You must also comply with all verbal and written directions given by the APS whilst attending or participating in the event.

The APS reserves the right, without any liability, to refuse admission to, or to eject you from an event, in its absolute discretion, including (without limitation), for failure to comply with these conditions or if in the opinion of the APS you represent a security risk, nuisance or annoyance to the running of an event.

Photography and the recording or transmitting of audio or visual material, data or information is prohibited at an Event without APS’s prior written consent.

Risk management

It is your responsibility to inform the APS of any dietary intolerances or other requirements you may have, sufficiently in advance to enable the APS to attempt to accommodate these requirements (or where this is not possible, inform you of such).

You use the venue and all associated facilities at your own risk. Despite anything else in these conditions, the APS accepts no liability to you or any third party for any loss of or damage to any of your equipment, materials or other belongings brought to the venue, whether by fire, theft, accident, injury or otherwise.

An event may include inherently dangerous activities, including the use of specialised equipment. Reasonable assistance will be provided, however attendees are responsible for their own wellbeing and the APS accepts no liability for any loss, damage or injury incurred in connect with an event.

You use the virtual platform and all associated facilities at your own risk. Despite anything else in these Delegate Conditions, the APS accepts no liability to you or any third party for any loss of or damage to any of your equipment, materials or other belongings through use of the virtual platform.

We make no representations, warranties or guarantees that the virtual platform used for virtual events is or will be free from viruses, worm, Trojan or other malicious code. You are responsible for taking your own precautions in this respect.

Any liability incurred by the APS in connection with the event will be limited to the refund of the fee paid to the APS. All guarantees, representations, conditions and warranties of any nature are expressly excluded. However, nothing in these conditions limits, excludes or modifies or purports to do so, the guarantees as provided under the Competition and Consumer Act (Cth) and the Australian Consumer Law. If these Acts impose any inalienable consumer rights then to the extent of any inconsistency with these conditions, these conditions are to be read down to permit those rights.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, the APS excludes all indirect or consequential liability and all liability for any loss (including indirect or consequential loss), expense, damage, personal injury or death incurred (whether or not arising from negligence) by you in connection with the event.

You release the APS from any action, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses, incurred in connection with our acts, omissions or negligence in connection with these conditions or any event. You further indemnify the APS its employees, agents, contactors and sub-contractors against, and agree to make good, any action, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses (including legal costs, professional costs and other expenses on a full indemnity basis), incurred in connection with these conditions. Any such amount is a debt due and payable within 30 business days of request.


The APS reserves the right to amend these conditions from time to time. Unless notified to you, the terms governing your attendance at an event will be those in force at the time of your registration for that event or attendance if you do not need to register (as applicable).

The failure, delay, relaxation or indulgence on the part of the APS in exercising, in part or whole, any power, right or remedy conferred upon that party by these conditions do not operate as a waiver of that power, right or remedy.

If any provision of these conditions is invalid or not enforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the relevant term is to be read down and shall otherwise be capable of being severed to the extent of the invalidity or unenforceability without affecting the remaining provisions of these conditions.

These conditions are governed by the laws exercised by the courts in the State of Victoria, Australia. Each party irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State.


Registration fees do not include insurance of any kind. It is strongly recommended that at the time you register for the conference and book your travel that you take out an insurance policy of your choice. The policy should include loss of fees/deposit through cancellation of your participation in the conference, or through cancellation of the conference, loss of international/domestic airfares through cancellation for any reason, loss of monies through cancellation for any reason including airline or related service strikes within Australia, failure to utilise tours or pre-booked arrangements due to airline delay, Force Majeure or any other reason, medical expenses (including sickness and accident cover), loss or damage to personal property, additional expenses and repatriation should travel arrangements have to be altered. The Conference Organisers cannot take any responsibility for any participant failing to arrange their own insurance. This insurance is to be purchased in your country of origin.

Intention to photograph/record

By registering to attend this event you grant the APS permission to photograph/video record you during this activity to support promotion, publicity and reporting of this event, and future APS activities. If you have any objection to being photographed or filmed, please speak to the APS representative at this event.

Privacy statement

Protecting your privacy and your personal information is an important aspect of the way the APS conducts its activities, online and offline. By registering to attend this event you are acknowledging that you have read and understood the APS Privacy Policy which sets out how we collect, use, manage and store your personal information.

The full APS Privacy Policy can be viewed here: https://www.psychology.org.au/Special-pages/Privacy-Policy