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2022 APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists Conference

Friday 04 - Saturday 05 November 2022

Dr Rowena Mobbs


"Clinical dilemmas in chronic traumatic encephalopathy"

Dr Rowena Mobbs is a cognitive neurologist at Mater Hospital Sydney and Macquarie University Hospital, with over a decade experience in managing dementia, including one of Australia's largest cohorts of traumatic encephalopathy syndrome patients. She is clinical lead researcher for the Macquarie University Concussion and repetitive read trauma research group, collaborative with the Australian Sports Brain Bank, and is a strong national advocate for mild traumatic brain injury care and research. She obtained a PhD in spinal degeneration and myelopathy in 2011 and maintains an interest in the management of post-traumatic migraine, dementia, and behavioural dysregulation in traumatic brain injury. With a background of representing Australia in two sports, concussion in sport forms the basis of her interest. In 2020, Dr Mobbs initiated The Concussion Connect program for the purpose of providing an integrated, group supported environment for patients at risk of CTE and their families.

Clinical dilemmas in chronic traumatic encephalopathy

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is a newly highlighted subtype of dementia due to cumulative sporting and non-sporting related traumatic brain injury. This presentation will outline the key presenting features, diagnostic and management pathways, clinical dilemmas, and priority research questions in CTE with a focus on quality longitudinal care and research.