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Expanding access to psychologists 'would cost $2 billion'

A proposal to radically expand access to psychological therapy being considered by a federal government review would cost up to $2 billion to implement, new modelling shows.

Sydney University's Brain and Mind Centre has crunched the numbers on key recommendations in a report by the Medicare Benefits Schedule Review's mental health reference group - including new funding for people who are "at risk" of developing a mental disorder.

It found the proposed changes - which would also lift the 10 session cap on therapy sessions for people without a condition, and extend rebates to carers of the mentally ill - would dramatically increase the amount the taxpayer hands to psychologists each year.

The modelling is based upon a 30 per cent increase in demand for psychology services over four years, with an alternative scenario - in which demand increases by twice the current projected growth rate - would cost an extra $1 billion.

Report author Sebastian Rosenberg, a fellow at the Australian National University's Centre for Mental Health Research, said both scenarios were possible given that the Medicare benefits review had recommended "removing all constraint" of access to Medicare rebates.

"The higher growth scenario is not unrealistic - it is a real possibility," Dr Rosenberg said.

He said the growth of the existing Better Access system, under which patients with a mental illness can get up to 10 Medicare-rebated sessions with a psychologist each year, had demonstrated "the enormous thirst in the community for mental health care".

"And that thirst is not yet quenched by any means," Dr Rosenberg said.

He added that universities were churning out "a vast, bottomless pool of psychology labor" ready to "hang out a Medicare shingle" if extra taxpayer funds were made available.

The analysis takes in the extra demand for GP mental health sessions, psychiatrist appointments and both clinical psychologists and non-clinical registered psychologists.

It uses existing growth in the cost of mental health services, based on official data, as a baseline.

The Medicare review's mental health reference group has recommended sweeping changes including a new item number for "preventative" therapy session.

It also calls for the 10-session annual cap on rebates for patients with moderate to severe mental illness to be lifted, with the potential for up to 70 sessions in the most severe cases.

Ian Hickie, a psychiatrist and academic at the Brain and Mind Centre, called on the health minister to reject the report's recommendations, saying the money would be better spent elsewhere.

"If we simply rapidly expand the existing fee-for-service models under the proposed MBS Changes, we’ll spend more than $2 billion more on services that don’t really provide the best care to those most in need," Professor Hickie said.

"Any minister or government that goes down that track will need to explain to the public why they chose the least good option available for those most in need and for those who have the least capacity to pay for much better team-based care."

He said the Medicare system should instead fund "better models of team-based care in mental health, particularly for those with more complex and disabling conditions", in parallel to the approach to cancer treatment.

But Australian Psychological Society president Ros Knight said the new funding would be money well spent.

"Of course there will be a cost increase - given the expansion of the package, we'd expect it to cost more," Ms Knight said.

"If the government is serious about addressing mental health the way it addresses physical health - which is to provide adequate coverage for all Australians - then, yes, it is going to have an impact on the budget."

She said the number of people who "would actually need more than 10 sessions" was "not going to be huge", noting that the average patient only went to the psychologist five or six times per year.

"So we're not expecting all of a sudden everyone will go from having 10 to 40."

And she said the long-term savings that preventative care aimed to achieve would temper the impact on the bottom line.

"What we look for in outcomes though is that less people are being admitted to acute services and not having to stay in hospitals, they're able to continue working and relationships are maintained, so the cost to society becomes much less," Ms Knight said.

The Health Department declined to comment when asked whether it had modelled the costs of the proposed changes.

Health Minister Greg Hunt and opposition mental health spokeswoman Julie Collins both declined to comment, because the MBS committee report is only at the consultation phase.