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Psychologists for Peace Interest Group Project Award

The Psychologists for Peace Interest Group invites submissions for the Psychologists for Peace Project Award.

The Psychologists for Peace Interest Group (PFP) Peace Project Award encourages a wider interest in research and practice related to peaceful means of resolving conflict, understanding and preventing aggressive behaviour and the fostering of harmonious relationships at global, inter-group and interpersonal levels.

The award is made annually to assist a student enrolled in an accredited fourth year psychology program or Masters by coursework psychology program in carrying out an empirical project on a peace related topic or disseminating its findings.


  1. The Psychologists for Peace Interest Group is responsible for the Award and for funding the Award.
  2. The Psychologists for Peace Interest Group will appoint a selection committee of at least three members from different states who have demonstrated interest and research expertise, to be responsible for recommending an appropriate Award recipient to the Board.
  3. Supervisors of projects entered for the Award will not be eligible to serve as members of the selection committee.
  4. The selection committee may recommend that more than one Award be granted if there are projects of sufficient merit and sufficient funds to support more than one Award.
  5. Candidates will be notified of the outcome of their nominations by February.
  6. The names of successful candidates will be announced via APS digital communication channels along with the university and the name of the principal research supervisor and the title of the research project.


  1. Nominees need not be members of the Society.
  2. Students enrolled in an accredited fourth year psychology program or a Masters by coursework program, who have conducted a research project on a peace related topic, to the purpose of the Award, are eligible to nominate. 
  3. The supervisor/s of the project must submit a statement supporting the quality of the project.

Nomination process

  1. Nominations will be called for annually via APS digital communication channel and by letters to Heads of Departments with accredited fourth year programs.
  2. Nominations must be received by the Award coordinator by the date set and an acknowledgment will be sent on receipt of each entry.
  3. One (1) copy of the nomination should be submitted.
  4. The award application should include :
    1. A cover page showing the project title, the name of the student and address for correspondence, the course and institution and the name, and email address of the supervisor. 
    2. An abbreviated version of the thesis, excluding appendices and reduced to approximately half its length. 
    3. A paragraph explaining how the project contributes to the aim of the Award, (as stated in the above criteria), and the anticipated method of disseminating the findings

Selection criteria

Projects will be judged on their scientific merit and their potential contribution to theory or practice in:

  1. the peaceful resolution of conflict;
  2. understanding and preventing aggressive behaviour; and
  3. the fostering of harmonious relationships whether at global, intergroup or interpersonal levels.

Value of award

The successful candidate will receive an award of $500.

Closing date

Nominations close on 29th November. 

To nominate for this award, click here.

For any further information, please contact:
Member Groups Administrator
Tel: 1800 333 497
Email: [email protected]

Previous recipients


Freya Wrigley

Racial Microaggressions Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Mental Health Workers in Australia: A Qualitative Study.


Emily Haines

“Their Win Is Our Loss”: Examining Whether Framing Utopian Thinking and Collective Narcissism Influence Support for Racial Equality


Kimberley Bates

Immigrants' Willingness to Report Victimisation to Police: The Importance of Procedural Justice, Police Effectiveness and Trust in Police


Erin Geary

Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Does Social Connectedness and Learning Community Predict Self-Determined Needs and Course Satisfaction?

2019 Ariane Virgona 

A comparison of the impacts of cultural ideologies on personal wellbeing: An Australian study of polyculturalism
2018 Michael Dare

Social Groups and Superordinate Identification: Preserving Prosociality in the Face of Inequality

Maddison Norton

Community Understandings of humanitarian entrants: An investigation of Coffs Harbour


Emma Mabin

The effects of Mitigating information and Ruminative versus Empathic Group Discussions of Agression

Fatima Azam

Predictors of Approach/Avoidance of Diversity in Non-Muslims: A Hijab Stall Field Test


Alison Clarke

Sacred Devotion through Social Interaction: Group-based Values and Psychological Pathways to Political Activism and Radicalism

Benjamin Low
Being ‘Here First” Determines “What’s Fair” for Immigrants


Alissa Badcock,La Trobe University
"The Role of Rumination in the Relationship Between Mindfulness and Forgiveness: A Trait and State-Level Investigation"
Thesis supervisor: Dr Eleanor Wertheim.

2012 Alexia Naef
"Visual Markers and Social perceptions of religious groups"
2011 Ms Lisa Yu,  University of New South Wales
“The Dark Side of Self-control: Can Self-control Training Decrease and Increase Aggressive Behaviour?”
Thesis supervisor: Dr Tom Denson

Miriam Capper, University of New South Wales
“Practicing Self-Control Decreases Reactive Aggression in Aggressive Individuals”
Thesis supervisor: Dr Tom Denson

Rishani Panawennage, La Trobe University
“Intergroup Forgiveness after the Prolonged Conflict in a Sri Lankan Sample”
Thesis supervisor: Dr Eleanor Wertheim


Joanne Frare, Southern Cross University for Honors thesis entitled "Patriotism or Nationalism: Investigating Australian National Identity and Flag Display Behaviour" (supervised by Dr Gail Moloney)

Tim Howle, Australian National University for Honors thesis entitled "The Differential Impact of Ethnic Threat and Ecological Threat on Ethnocentrism and Prejudice" (supervised by Dr Boris Bizumic)

2008  Irene Giaprakis, School of Psychological Science, La Trobe University for Honours research entitled "The contribution of emotional intelligence and its components in the prediction of forgiveness" (supervised by Professor Eleanor Wertheim) 
2007  not awarded 
2006  Peggy Koutsos, School of Psychological Science, La Trobe University for postgraduate diploma research entitled “Paths to interpersonal forgiveness: The role of personality, dispositional forgiveness and situational forgiveness”  
2005 Luisa Rossi for 'The Relationship between Language Skills and Outcomes of the PATHS Curriculum'
2004 not awarded
2003 Andreia Azevedo, School of Psychological Science, La Trobe University, for a project entitled "Adolescents’ value orientations and preferred strategies for resolving disagreements involving different student groups"
2002 Helena Culbertson and Ashley Carl 
2001 Jackie Bornstein and Anne Matuszek   
2000 Elizabeth Le Clercq 
1999 Andrew Hamilton and Albert Dinelli  
1998 Michelle Fleming and Michael Virgen  
1997 Adina Kotler, Tamara Noy, Heather Siddons, Brianna Harrison and Janet Ruffles 
1996  Therese Meallin and Michelle Versluys   
1995  Tony Pastore and Lana Strogonow