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How do I find the right psychologist for me?

If you would like to see a psychologist using the Medicare Better Access rebates scheme, you will need to first obtain a referral from your GP, also known as a Mental Health Care Plan. Most GPs will require a double-session to complete this for you, so it is a good idea to check the requirements of the medical practice and plan ahead for your appointment time.

Your GP will have a list of psychologists in the area they can recommend and refer you to, or a local psychology clinic that you can call and arrange an appointment with directly.

Alternatively, you may independently source a psychologist that you would like to see, either by recommendation or research, and you can request that your referral be directed to them instead. 
To support you in finding the right psychologist for you, the APS has a free online service called Find a Psychologist. This is a database of APS psychologists around Australia that allows you to search for psychologists in your area according to the topics you would like support with. You will be able to explore their individual profiles, and even use the PsychEngage feature to make appointment requests directly.