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Medicare best platform for National Redress Scheme for child sexual abuse survivors

Existing services not able to adequately meet needs of survivors with complex trauma

Responding to media reports that a National Redress Scheme for victims of child sexual abuse may not receive Commonwealth funding, the Australian Psychological Society (APS) said existing services are simply not able to adequately meet the needs of survivors with complex trauma.

“The Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse has brought to the surface many people’s experience with sexual abuse but services are struggling to meet the demand,” said Dr Louise Roufeil, APS Executive Manager of Professional Practice, who presented to the Commission.

""Trauma associated with sexual abuse requires specialist treatment but, currently, survivors struggle to find practitioners who have the appropriate knowledge, skills and experience to work in an effective and respectful manner and there are simply not enough services that can provide effective clinical care.

""Specialist services are overburdened and cannot prioritise adult survivors.

“We already know that Medicare is effectively providing excellent access to psychological services via GPs. A national redress scheme to provide access to psychological services for the survivors of institutional child sexual abuse could operate through a Medicare platform with financial support from the institutions at which abuse took place.

“Having set up the Commission it is now incumbent on all to give the survivors of institutional sexual abuse access to effective psychological treatment and cultural support to help them recover,” said Dr Roufeil.

For more information, or to arrange an interview call the APS Media team on 03 8662 3358 / 0435 896 444, or email. Find the APS Media team on Twitter: @AustPsych

The APS is the largest professional organisation for psychologists in Australia, representing more than 27,000 members. The APS is committed to advancing psychology as a discipline and profession. It spreads the message that psychologists make a difference to people’s lives, through improving psychological knowledge and community wellbeing.