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Our minds are the key to innovation

Psychologists can help individuals & organisations unlock their innovation potential

The Australian Psychological Society and the Heads of Departments of Schools of Psychology (HODSPA) welcomed the Prime Minister’s focus on innovation, announced in the Government’s Innovation Statement, saying that psychology could play a role in facilitating Australian innovation.

APS President and Director of the ANU Research School of Psychology, Mike Kyrios said, “A funding focus on connecting the knowledge and commercial sectors to grow innovation makes sense.”

“However, the innovation focus should be expanded beyond science and technology to the social sciences, in particular psychology, which has the expertise to understand what drives creativity and how to facilitate changes in thinking and behaviour to achieve a culture of innovation.

“Innovation is, after all, about changing behaviour, focused creativity and managed risk taking. Being behaviour change experts, psychologists are key to unlocking innovation in people and organisations.

“Psychologists work with businesses and are key agents of change in organisations. Psychology can help organisations and individuals develop an innovation focus including systems and processes that help foster creative environments where new ideas can be developed and translated into action.”

Professor Kim Cornish from Monash University and chair of HODSPA said, “Part of the solution is also fostering closer relationships between knowledge and research centres in universities and the commercial sector to create channels for communication so that researchers are linked up with entities and advisors that can help them evaluate the commercial viability of their ideas and then translate them into action.”

“We urge the Prime Minister to think outside the science and technology square when it comes to innovation, and work with psychology and the social sciences.”

The APS is preparing a response to the Government’s Innovation Statement.

For more information, or to arrange an interview call the APS Media team on 03 8662 3358 / 0435 896 444, or email. Find the APS Media team on Twitter: @AustPsych

The APS is the largest professional organisation for psychologists in Australia, representing more than 27,000 members. The APS is committed to advancing psychology as a discipline and profession. It spreads the message that psychologists make a difference to people’s lives, through improving psychological knowledge and community wellbeing.