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Preparing children for bushfire

As bushfire season approaches, it is important to support children who may be affected by threat of fire or by news and coverage of bushfires.

Psychologists from the Australian Psychological Society Disaster Reference Group have prepared some simple tips for carers.

Key messages for carers of children who live in a bushfire vulnerable region

You can help children by:

  • Involving them in physical preparations which helps them have a greater sense of control and assists them to manage their fears, E.g. develop a household plan with kids and practice it.
  • Preparing yourself psychologically so that you feel more in control, and then teaching children the same skills (anticipate, identify, manage feelings and thoughts)
  • Listening to children’s concerns and correcting any thoughts or ideas that are exaggerated or inaccurate.
  • Remaining positive and reassuring, saying things like “Remember the plan we have and the things we can do to help us all keep safe if a bushfire comes”.

Key messages for carers of children who are experiencing anxiety about bushfires, or other threats, but may not be directly at risk

You can help children by:

  • Monitoring media exposure (limit, or watch with them)
  • Listening to understand how children are feeling and thinking (encouraging them to talk, but not forcing them, normalising their feelings, providing truthful but simple and thoughtful explanations).
  • Providing children with opportunities to express their feelings
  • Reassuring children that they are safe and are being looked after and that nothing bad will happen to them personally.
  • Being aware of how you talk in the presence of children
  • Paying attention to your own reactions


Listen to Dr Susie Burke talk about mentally preparing children for bushfires.


For more information, or to arrange an interview call the APS Media team on 03 8662 3358 / 0435 896 444, or email. Find the APS Media team on Twitter: @AustPsych

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