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Cognitive behavioural therapy, specifically exposure and response prevention (ERP), is considered the most effective treatment for OCD. In ERP, a series of goals are developed between the psychologist and the client, based around the situations which trigger obsessions, compulsions or avoidance. With the psychologist's help, the client confronts these situations (exposure), without using their usual OCD behaviours or rituals (response prevention). Through a gradual process the client learns to 'sit with' their anxiety and as they do so, the distress and the obsessions decrease naturally, and more adaptive ways of responding to anxiety develop.

Cognitive therapy (CT) has also been found to help individuals with OCD identify and challenge unhelpful thoughts that contribute to anxiety and their beliefs around the utility of compulsive behaviours.

Managing stress more effectively may also reduce symptoms of OCD. Strategies include problem-solving and addressing sources of stress directly, increasing enjoyable and relaxing activities, maintaining a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise, getting sufficient sleep, maintaining a balanced diet, reducing or eliminating stimulants such as caffeinated beverages and cigarettes, and increasing social supports.

In many cases, psychological approaches alone will be effective in treating OCD. However, some people respond better to a combination of psychological treatment and medication.

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