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Talking with children about the environment

Parents and caregivers face many challenges as they strive to give children the best possible opportunities for their future health, happiness and success.

Understandably, immediate concerns often take precedence, like worrying about how children are getting along at school, or how they are using their time on social media. But parents and caregivers have always thought about longer-term factors that might impact on their children’s future. Today, climate change is one of the most certain, wide-ranging, and concerning of these issues. 

Many parents and caregivers who are concerned about climate change are aware that the climate-altered world their children will live in will be very different from today’s world. 

Raising children to thrive in a climate changed world

This information sheet helps parents think through the skills and capacities that our children, the next generation, will need to keep working to restore a safe climate.

It provides information about how to adapt to the inevitable changed ahead, and how parents can help their children develop these skills and capacities. 

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How to talk to children about climate change

This hands-on toolkit is designed to help parents and caregivers understand their children's feelings about climate change, engage them in conversation, and work together to build resilience for the future.  

It includes examples of different coping strategies, tips for navigating questions about climate change, and practical activities and resources to support both children and adults. 

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