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Psychologists talk about their careers

The world of psychology is broad and diverse. To illustrate some of the many fields a psychologist can work in, watch our members share their experiences.

The psychologists featured come from a variety of settings across Australia and provide diverse services using a broad range of skills. As students many of them took time to discover their area of interest. Now they are experts in their chosen fields. Their experiences may help you to discover your own career path. 

Read through the below collection of psychologists career stories and be encouraged by your future possibilities.


Tracey Wade - Working in academic psychology


Antonio Paolini - Working in biological psychology

Child, adolescent and family

Rita Princi - Working in child, adolescent and family psychology


Cindy Wall - Working in clincal psychology

Clinical neuro

Wendy Longley - Working in clincalneuro psychology


Frances Martin - Working in cognitive psychology


Meg Smith - Working in community psychology


Nicole Detering - Working in counselling psychology

Educational and developmental

Darren Stops - Working in educational and developmental psychology


Learn about Rob Hall and his career working in environmental psychology


David Whittingham - Working in forensic psychology


Evelyn Howe - Working in health psychology

Human factors

Peter Renshaw - Working in human factors psychology

Market research

Graham Chant - Working in market research


Glen Menezes - Working as a psychologist in the military


Joanne Fitzgerald - Working in organisational psychology


Jason Mattingley - Working in research psychology


Melisah Feeney - Working in social psychology


Ruth Anderson - Working in sports psychology

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