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InPsych 2013 | Vol 35

October | Issue 5

Public issues

Celebrate National Psychology Week and help spread the word

There’s still time to register an event or public display to celebrate National Psychology Week 2013.

National Psychology Week (NPW) is a time for psychologists to show their pride in their profession, and to educate Australians about the role psychology plays in community wellbeing. The easiest way to do this is to organise events and set up displays during the Week. These can be open to the public or for invited guests only. NPW event ideas include:

  • Giving a speech or presentation on a psychology topic to a local group
  • Organising a morning or afternoon tea at your workplace or at a community venue
  • Hosting a parents’ night at a local school
  • Giving a talk to students about a career in psychology
  • Running a workshop for a targeted group of people (e.g., office workers, carers or volunteers)
  • Distributing tip sheets and posters to your local GP clinics
  • Setting up NPW displays in libraries, universities, local community centres, hospitals and offices.

If you would like to get together with other psychologists in your area to host an NPW event, get in touch with your local APS Branch, who may be able to help or put you in contact with other members.

To help promote your event, NPW promotion packs will be sent to everyone who registers an event. If you’ve already registered an event, your pack will arrive shortly. Each pack contains the following goodies:

  • A2-sized posters
  • Stress balls
  • Balloons
  • Stress tip sheets
  • Bookmarks.

Finally, look out for the results of the 2013 Stress and Wellbeing in Australia survey, which will be released during NPW on 10 November.

Other ways to participate in NPW

If you don’t have time to organise an NPW event, there are still plenty of ways to spread the NPW message.


The NPW Facebook page is regularly updated with content that can be shared with your friends and colleagues. Simply visit www.facebook.com/AustralianPsychologicalSociety/ and ‘like’ the page to get all the content delivered directly to your Facebook news feed.


Follow the @APS_Media account on Twitter for the latest NPW news. If you’re creating your own tweets, be sure to use the #NPW2013 hashtag for maximum visibility.


The APS company page on LinkedIn will also be adding regular NPW content that can easily be shared with your LinkedIn network. Follow the APS page at www.linkedin.com/company/australian-psychological-society and share content directly from your news feed.

Email signature

Download the email signature tile from the NPW website and paste it into your email signature, along with the provided web address. Every email you send will then help to promote NPW.

Other resources

A range of resources that can be shared via email, social media, blogs and websites is available on the resources page of the NPW website. More resources are being developed and will be added to the resources page as they become available.

Register your event and download resources at www.psychology.org.au/NPW


Disclaimer: Published in InPsych on October 2013. The APS aims to ensure that information published in InPsych is current and accurate at the time of publication. Changes after publication may affect the accuracy of this information. Readers are responsible for ascertaining the currency and completeness of information they rely on, which is particularly important for government initiatives, legislation or best-practice principles which are open to amendment. The information provided in InPsych does not replace obtaining appropriate professional and/or legal advice.