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College of Organisational Psychologists Early Career Award

The APS College of Organisational Psychologists Early Career Award recognises original and significant contributions to knowledge in the field of Industrial or Organisational Psychology, application of Industrial or Organisational psychology techniques and or contributions to the advancement of Organisational Psychology as a profession, in an early career (less than 10 years) member of the College of Organisational Psychologists.


  1. The Awards are the responsibility of the APS College of Organisational Psychologists.
  2. The APS College of Organisational Psychologists must appoint a selection committee to be responsible for recommending an appropriate Award recipient to the Board.
  3. The Early Career Award is offered biennially in each odd year.


  1. Nominees must have less than 10 years' experience working in the field of Organisational Psychology; and
  2. Nominees must be members of the APS College of Organisational Psychologists; or
  3. A team of Organisational Psychologists may be nominated provided that one member of the team is a member of the APS College of Organisational Psychologists.

Judging criteria

  1. In judging nominees for the Award, the selection committee will have regard to a nominee's:
    1. participation in professional activities such as presentations and keynote addresses to industrial and or organisational psychology conferences or similar conferences;
    2. involvement in raising the profile of industrial and or organisational psychologists in a positive manner;
    3. holding of office within the Society;
    4. involvement in Society related or other professional activities (e.g. the APS College of Organisational Psychologists, the APS Ethics Committee, conference organising committees, course accreditation, registration boards, government lobbying);
    5. level of achievement in the area of research, teaching and/or practice relevant to somebody within the first 10 years of their career.
  2. In considering a nominee's contribution in the area of research and teaching, additional to the criteria set out in clause (a) in the Judging criteria, the selection committee will have regard to a nominee's:
    1. publications in leading journals including international journals;
    2. evidence of thought leadership and originality in industrial and or Organisational Psychology;
    3. provision of outstanding teaching and development of students;
    4. editorship of journals; and
    5. contribution to the practice of Organisational Psychology through research and teaching.
  3. In considering a nominee's contribution in the area of practice, additional to the criteria set out in clause (a) in the Judging Criteria, the selection committee will have regard to a nominee's:
    1. reputation for sustained and outstanding success in the provision of industrial and or organisational psychology services including:
      • development of innovative products and services which demonstrably improve organisational effectiveness and wellbeing;
      • contribution to the enhancement of individual potential and wellbeing;
      • contribution to acceptance of psychological concepts and theories in organizations; and
      • other successes as appropriate.
    2. contribution to research and teaching in Organisational Psychology through practice; and
    3. giving back to the profession of Organisational Psychology e.g. by sustained commitment to the development of early career psychologists, or by other significant means.

Value of the award

Successful candidates for the APS College of Organisational Psychologist‟s Early Career Award will receive an award of not less than $200 adjusted for CPI based upon the amount of the previously granted award, and a certificate.

Closing date

This award is offered biennially, each odd year.

The closing date of this award has temporarily been extend to 30 June 2024

An announcement of the opening of the Awards will be through APS digital communication channels and the APS website. The nomination closing date will be approximately eight (8) weeks prior to the date of the Awards presentation.

Closing date : 14 May 

To nominate for this award, click here.

For any further information, please contact:
Member Groups Administrator
Tel: 1800 333 497
Email: [email protected]


Previous winners

2021 Stacey Parker
2019 Tim Bednall
2017 Not Awarded
2015 Not Awarded
2013 Not Awarded
2011 Dr Crissa Sumner-Armstrong