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College of Community Psychologists Robin Winkler Award for Applied Community Psychology Research

The award honours the pioneering work of Robin Winkler (1945-1988) in the field of community psychology in Australia. The award encourage and recognises excellence in a project in the field of community psychology.


  1. The Robin Winkler Award for Applied Community Psychology Research is the responsibility of the APS College of Community Psychologists who will also fund the award.
  2. The APS College of Community Psychologists will appoint a selection committee chaired by the chair of the National Committee of the APS College of Community Psychologists, to be responsible for recommending an appropriate recipient to the Board.
  3. The award will be made annually at the Annual General Meeting of the APS College of Community Psychologists, held at the Annual Conference of the Society.


  1. The Award is open to all grades of membership of the Society who have completed a research project in community psychology within the twelve (12) months 31 July of each year.
  2. Members of National and State committees are eligible to apply, but cannot form part of the Selection Committee.

Selection criteria

In judging nominees for the Awards, the selection committee will have regard to the following:

  1. The work is defined to include an ongoing project where positive outcomes are evident, or a project completed in the last 12 months.
  2. The work to be judged in terms of its contribution to the philosophy and values of Community Psychology, in terms of evidence of process and outcome.

Nomination process

  1. The APS College of Community Psychologists will call for nominations from Members of the Society in March of each year.
  2. Nominations should include:
    1. the name and address of the nominee;
    2. evidence that the nominee is eligible for the award;
    3. the title of the project; and
    4. a summary (maximum length 500 words) of the objectives and findings of the work.

To nominate for this award, click here.

Value of the award

Successful candidates for the Robin Winkler Award for Applied Community Psychology Research will receive an award of $250.

Closing date

In the year 2024 this award has been extended to 30th September 2024

Award Nominations close 31 July.

To nominate for this award, click here.

For any further information, please contact:
Member Groups Administrator
Tel: 1800 333 497
Email: [email protected]


Previous winners

2023 Dr Kathryn Taylor
2022 Sophie Zaccone
2021 Dr Marlee Bower
2020 not awarded
2019 not awarded
2018 not awarded
2017 not awarded
2016 Debra Rickwood
2015 not awarded
2014 not awarded
2013 Dr Sasha Stumpers and Dr Lauren Breen
2012  Colleen Turner  
2011  not awarded  
2010  not awarded  
2009  not awarded  
2008  not awarded  
2007  Dr Lisabeth Finn
Mutual help groups and psychological wellbeing: a study of GROW, a community
mental health organisation
2006 Margot Trinder
Elizabeth Freeman
Eleanor H. Wertheim
Ann Sanson
2005 Dr Ann Dadich
2004 not awarded
2003 Dr Helen McGrath
Dr Toni Noble


2002 not awarded
2001 not awarded
2000 not awarded
1999 A/Prof Brian Bishop
1998 not awarded

Sharon Ledger
Kerrie Kelly

1996 Dr Geoff Syme
1995 not awarded
1994 Lyn Littlefield
1993 not awarded
1992 not awarded
1991 Helen McGrath
1990 Dr Connie Peck