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College of Community Psychologists (Victorian Section) Student Award

The APS College of Community Psychologists Student Award is intended to acknowledge one student from each Accredited and Approved postgraduate program in Community Psychology in Victoria who has demonstrated the highest levels of a combination of applied skills and academic achievement over the duration of their postgraduate degree. The aim of this Award is to contribute towards enhancing the visibility and professional identity of Community Psychologists in Australia, to recognize student achievement in the field, and to support  early career community psychologists.


  1. The Victorian Section of APS College of Community Psychologists is responsible for administering and for funding the Award.
  2. The Award may be presented to one student per year from each eligible Victorian program.
  3. The Victorian Section Committee of the College of Community Psychologists will liaise with the program co-coordinators of any APAC-accredited Victorian postgraduate programs in Community Psychology for coordination of the award.
  4. The program co-ordinators will forward the name of their respective student nominees for the award to the Chair of the Victorian Section of the College by April 30 each year.
    1. Academic transcripts and thesis abstracts for each nominee must be provided
  5. The Treasurer of the Victorian Section of the College will be responsible for including the Award in the annual College budget.
  6. The Award will be presented by the Chair of the Victorian Section of the College (or their nominee) at a public forum such as the Victoria University College of Arts Awards Night, which usually occurs in late May or early June annually.
  7. The recipient of the award will be notified in time for the student to make arrangements to attend the award presentation.


  1. Nominees must be enrolled in or have recently completed an APAC-accredited and approved postgraduate program in Community Psychology in Victoria.
  2. Nominations of International students who meet the above criterion (a) will be accepted.
  3. Only students who have completed all of their program requirements, as confirmed by the program coordinator, are eligible for consideration in the year of the award. A student whose research thesis has been submitted for examination may be considered if all other requirements have been successfully completed.

Nomination process

The Victorian Section of the College will call for nominations from the coordinators of eligible programs, prior to April 30 each year.

To nominate for this award, click here.

Selection criteria

In judging nominees for the Award, the Victorian Section Committee will take into consideration each student’s:

  • application of community psychology values and competencies in coursework and placements;
  • completion of a research project reflecting current areas of interest and need in community psychology.

Of the students who meet the above criteria, the student in each program with the highest cumulative grade point average (GPA) for the postgraduate program will be nominated for the Award. 

Value of the award

The successful nominee for the APS College of Community Psychologists (Victoria State Section) Student Award will receive:

  1. An Award certificate
  2. Receive an award of $250
  3. Relevant membership of the APS and the College for the next subscription year;
  4. An invitation to present at the next Trans-Tasman Conference, or similar event in Community Psychology

Closing date

Nominations close 30 April

To nominate for this award, click here.

For any further information, please contact:
Member Groups Administrator
Tel: 1800 333 497
Email: [email protected]

Previous winners

2024 Ellie Hall-Prvulj
2023 Anna Northey
2022 Elise Bryant
2021 Joseph Daffy
2020 Phoebe Miller
2019 Leonie Bessant
2018 Fletcher Curnow
2017 Samantha  Mordech
2016 Maryanne Kapoulitsas