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College of Community Psychologists Postgraduate Student Conference Award

The APS College of Community Psychologists Postgraduate Student Conference Attendance Award aims to provide postgraduate students specialising in community psychology with a positive experience of the field and profession through a Conference format. Award winners could be approved to attend an APS National Conference or a Community Psychology Conference, including the biannual Trans-Tasman Conference in Community Psychology. The Award will also provide postgraduate students with the opportunity to network and liaise with other postgraduate students and Community Psychologists attending the conference.

The aim of this process is also to contribute toward enhancing the visibility and professional identity of Community Psychologists in Australia.



  1. The APS College of Community Psychologists is responsible for administering and for funding the Award. The APS Board will cover the cost of APS membership to the successful applicant(s), as per 1.6(b) below.
  2. The Award will be awarded annually to one or more Community Psychology postgraduate students who meet the Award criteria.
  3. The number of recipients in any one year will depend on the funds being available to support the full costs of additional recipients of the Award.
  4. The National Committee will appoint a Selection Committee, which will be made up of at least three (3) full members of the College. The Selection Committee will be responsible for selecting the appropriate Award recipient(s) for approval by the APS Board.
  5. The Board-approved recipient(s) of the Award will be notified by phone and by email so they can select and make arrangements/organize their workloads to attend a College-approved community psychology conference or the APS National Conference within the next 12 months.
  6. The successful postgraduate student(s) will be notified of a contact person to assist in arranging their conference attendance.
  7. The successful postgraduate student(s) will be notified of a contact person who will attend the relevant conference and be their support and guide (if required).


  1. Students must be studying Community Psychology, either part time or full time, at an Australian University, at postgraduate level. The student will normally be enrolled in an APAC-accredited degree in Community Psychology. However, at the discretion of the selection committee, consideration may be given to applicants enrolled in a research degree where the thesis content is deemed to be in the field of community psychology.
  2. Applications from International students who meet the above eligibility will be accepted.

Nomination process

  1. Nominations for the Postgraduate Student Conference Award will be called for each year using APS digital communication channel, by notifying the Heads of the Schools of Psychology, and by notifying the Coordinator(s) of all APAC-accredited postgraduate programs in Community Psychology.
  2. Nominations can be made electronically to the College Chair or their nominee via the APS Member Groups Administrator Nominations Portal.
  3. Nominations must include a minimum of 1 page and maximum of 2 pages covering the Award criteria listed below, and providing information about the postgraduate student’s place and course of study, their year level and contact details.
  4. Nominations must include a reference of no more than 1 page from one of the postgraduate student’s Community Psychology lecturers, research supervisor or a member of the College, supporting the nominee’s application.

To nominate for this award, click here.

Selection criteria

The Selection Committee will select the recipient(s) based on:

  1. The applicant’s explanation of how attending a Community Psychology Conference or an APS National Conference can contribute to their professional aspirations in the field of Community Psychology;
  2. The quality of their studies or research project in community psychology;
  3. The availability of the nominee to attend an APS conference or a relevant community psychology conference within the following twelve months; and
  4. The quality of the written component of the nomination.

Value of the award

An Award recipient will receive:

  1. An Award certificate;
  2. Relevant membership of the APS and the College for the next subscription year;
  3. Student-registration fee for the approved conference.  

Closing date

The closing date for nominations is normally June 30*. 

*In years when the Trans-Tasman Conference in Community Psychology is scheduled, the award timelines and closing date will be altered accordingly, to allow for at least two months notice between the announcement of the recipient(s) and the date of the conference.

To nominate for this award, click here.

For any further information, please contact:
Member Groups Administrator
Tel: 1800 333 497
Email: [email protected]


Previous winners

2023 Sophie Zaccone
2022 Reanna Clark
2021 Not Awarded
2020 Jessica Keeley
2019 Not Awarded
2018 Sam Keast and Rose Marie Stambe
2017 Daniel Morrison and Amy Quayle
2016 Sam Keast, Dallas Ambry and Ben Moberley