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Professor Michael Platow
Distinguished Contribution to Psychological Education Award

Award type: Science 

Professor Platow holds a Masters of Higher Education, and has taught psychology in Australia for the past 27 years at two different universities. Professor Platow’s teaching excellence has been recognised by his receipt of both university and Commonwealth awards, including the Australian Department of Education and Training Award for Teaching Excellence. He was one of the first two staff members at the ANU to be admitted as Senior Fellows of the Higher Education Academy.

Professor Platow was awarded the ANU title of “Distinguished Educator” by the ANU Deputy Vice-Chancellor. He has held the leadership role of Associate Director (Education) at ANU, has served as an independent assessor of psychology education at St. Andrews University, and has provided consultation to the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority and the ACT Department of Education.

Outside of his standard teaching responsibilities, he has contributed to the Australian Commonwealth’s Attorney General’s Course on Counter-Terrorism, the Australian Graduate School of Policing and Security, the Department of Human Services, and the Australian Command and Staff College in the Military and Defence Studies Program. Finally, Professor Platow engages in formal scholarship in education; in total, he has 16 books, chapters and journal articles on learning and higher education.

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