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Associate Professor Gemma Sharp
Media Award for Public Engagement with Psychological Science

Award type: Science

Associate Professor Gemma Sharp is the leader of the Body Image and Eating Disorders Research Group at Monash University and a multiple National Health and Medical Research Council fellowship holder. Her research focuses on understanding the causes of and developing novel treatments for body image related disorders. She is also a Senior Clinical Psychologist and Research Lead at Alfred Health.

A/Prof Sharp has demonstrated exemplary commitment to the promotion of psychological concepts and the research underlying them in all forms of media with almost 300 media appearances. She is well known for helping to reduce stigma around sensitive topics such as genital body image (an issue she showcased in a TED Talk) to help make these more accessible to the general public.

The calibre of her science communication skills has been recognised with a Young Tall Poppy Science Award, an ABC Radio National Top 5 Under 40 Scientist Internship, and a national finalist for the Australian Museum Eureka Prize for Promoting Understanding of Science.

She is a passionate advocate for the discipline of psychology being taken seriously as a science. She started her career as a biomedical scientist and has carried that scientific tradition through to her psychological career and communication.

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