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APS statement on east coast floods

APS statement on east coast floods

The Australian Psychological Society understands the current flood crisis in New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania is distressing for many.

The social, emotional and psychological impact on all those affected – including emergency services staff and volunteers – cannot be underestimated.

The APS, including our 27,000 members around Australia are deeply concerned about the immediate and long-term trauma and psychological impacts on people of all ages, families and communities. Our thoughts go out to all those affected, as well as our colleagues in the psychology community in the regions.

Many people will find the news and images of the unfolding events extremely upsetting, and for some, old traumas will be reactivated. 

This natural disaster comes at a time when many people in Australia are already under psychological strain, and we urge anyone struggling to reach out for mental health support.

For anyone experiencing distress, or being impacted by current events, the APS suggests: 

  • Reaching out to mental health support services – especially if you are at risk of being re-traumatised 
  • Limit media exposure, particularly if it is increasing your distress 
  • Talking about your thoughts and feelings with someone you trust – sharing our distress and talking about how we feel with friends, family and trusted community members can be helpful 
  • For anyone feeling a sense of powerlessness, taking positive action, like contributing to humanitarian aid efforts, may help 
  • Lean on the tools you have for self-care. Allow time for rest, relaxation, exercise and social connection.

Further resources which may be helpful can be found below:

Preparing for and recovering from floods 
These sheets give practical and accessible information, including advice on how to help children cope.

Psychological First Aid: An Australian guide to supporting people affected by disaster 

For people working in disaster preparedness, response and recovery. Published in partnership with the Australian Red Cross

APS Disaster Response Network

The APS has a longstanding partnership with the Australian Red Cross through our Disaster Response Network (DRN). We work with the Red Cross to provide a coordinated response to any requests for psychology services to provide help to those individuals and communities impacted by the current flood emergency.

Our calls to government

Natural disasters focus attention on what is needed to make sure communities can get through the immediate and the long-term impacts.

Our work with government on expanding the psychological workforce to deal with situations like this, on top of the impact of more than two years of the pandemic, continues, as we call for:

  • an increase to Medicare rebates for all clients
  • Securing the 10 additional Medicare rebatable sessions as a permanent feature of the Medicare system
  • investment of $5 million for an additional 3500 supervisors and 6000 placement psychologists in the next two years placed into communities of most need
  • parent sessions under Medicare to better support children
  • an expansion of the APS Disaster Response Network
  • an expansion of funding for primary health network (PHN) immediate disaster support.

For more information, or to arrange an interview call the APS Media team on 03 8662 3358 / 0435 896 444, or email. Find the APS Media team on Twitter: @AustPsych

The APS is the largest professional organisation for psychologists in Australia, representing more than 27,000 members. The APS is committed to advancing psychology as a discipline and profession. It spreads the message that psychologists make a difference to people’s lives, through improving psychological knowledge and community wellbeing.