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The APS does not support gay conversion therapy

The APS does not support gay conversion therapy

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) strongly opposes any form of mental health practice that treats homosexuality as a disorder, or seeks to change a person’s sexual orientation. 

The LGBT conversion therapy report Preventing Harm, Promoting Justice  released by La Trobe University and the Human Law Centre on 15 October, reveals the psychological damage suffered by Australians subjected to gay conversion therapy.

Approaches to mental health practice variously referred to as reparative, conversion or ex-gay are based on the belief that homosexuality is a disorder, and that it can be cured.   The APS does not support these approaches, for the following reasons:

  • There is a considerable body of evidence documenting the negative effects of stigma associated with homosexuality, including higher rates of depression.
  • There is clinical evidence that reparative, conversion and ex-gay approaches can compound the challenges already faced by some lesbians and gay men, such as negative mental health outcomes.

The APS recommends psychological care that challenges negative stereotypes, develops affirming social supports, promotes self-acceptance and increases mental health literacy.

Such responses are in line with the APS Code of Ethics and Ethical Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Clients.

Read the full APS position statement 

For more information, or to arrange an interview call the APS Media team on 03 8662 3358 / 0435 896 444, or email. Find the APS Media team on Twitter: @AustPsych

The APS is the largest professional organisation for psychologists in Australia, representing more than 27,000 members. The APS is committed to advancing psychology as a discipline and profession. It spreads the message that psychologists make a difference to people’s lives, through improving psychological knowledge and community wellbeing.