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What we do

Advancing psychology in Australia

Ethics and practice standards

We abide by the Code of Ethics to ensure the community is in safe hands when they see a psychologist



Our work with a range of organisations ensures best practice application of psychological interventions to improve the health and wellbeing of all Australians

Supporting global mental health and wellbeing

We collaborate and communicate with the international psychology community, working hard to improve mental health and wellbeing across the globe

We celebrate the many ways in which psychology and psychologists contribute to improving the lives of Australians, in every corner of our country, every single day
Scholarships, grants and bursaries
Our scholarships, bursaries and grants support important community groups such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, intercultural groups, and international communities
Assessment of overseas qualifications

By assessing overseas academic qualifications of psychologists entering our country, we ensure Australians continue to receive safe, high quality psychological care