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2023 Chairwork Psychotherapy Workshop Roadshow

Approved for 18 CPD Hours

Amanda Garcia Torres LMHC

Coming from the USA


EDUCATION: Boston University, Bachelor of Arts, Psychology 
New York University, Master of Arts, Counseling for Mental Health and Wellness 

PHILOSOPHY:  I’m not going to tell you how to fix your life. I’m also not going to work to try to change who you are. I will give you the skills you need so you can get back up and be your own hero. I’ll teach you how to find your voice and claim power over your life.  

I know you have all the inner wisdom you need to guide you, and I want to help you push all the junk aside so you can get to it. We’ll give gratitude for the old coping skills  you developed that helped you survive, and then make way for new coping strategies and perspectives so you can focus on living your life in the present. Life will always bring unexpected changes, so I will also work with you to develop self-trust and confidence so you can handle any challenges.  

If you’re ready to look forward to your future and start enjoying your life, then let’s get started.