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2023 Chairwork Psychotherapy Workshop Roadshow

Approved for 18 CPD Hours

Find out more about TCPP | Testimonials

“Intense.” “Empowering.” “Profound. “Exciting!”  

These are the words often used by clinicians and patients to describe Chairwork Psychotherapy. Building on over 60 years of rich tradition, 15 years of international trainings and presentations, countless hours of applied clinical practice, and ongoing collaborative innovation and development, the Transformational Chairwork Psychotherapy Project is thrilled to announce the world’s first Chairwork Psychotherapy Certification Program. We cannot think of a better way to launch this than in partnership with APS for our amazing psychology community in Australia! 

Chairwork Psychotherapy is centered on the belief that there is a healing and transformative power in: (1) Giving voice to one’s inner parts, modes, and selves; and (2) Enacting or re-enacting scenes from the Past, the Present, or the Future. In 2018, we discovered the Four Dialogue Matrix – which is a crystallization of over 50 years of Chairwork practice and exploration; this is now the foundation of the approach. Chairwork psychotherapy is informed by the traditions of Gestalt Therapy, Psychodrama, and a range of integrative psychotherapies. It may be applied as a transdiagnostic therapeutic technique or employed as a standalone psychotherapeutic modality– useful for any clinician regardless of theoretical orientation, niche, clinical focus or career stage. 

The TCPP certification training is designed to introduce therapists to the practice of Chairwork, in an active, creative, and clinically-useful manner using clinical storytelling, didactic group practice, and unrehearsed, live demonstrations. Participants who complete this training will not only gain immediately applicable clinical skills, they will also have improved confidence and a sense of freedom to tackle even the most difficult clinical issues.  

We have sought to establish an elegant, deep, and empowering approach to psychotherapy that clinicians can use to become more effective, courageous, and creative in their clinical work. In this three-day, intensive training, we will explore the use of different dialogue strategies for: Inner Suffering, Trauma, Difficult Relationships, and Parts Work. We will share our easy to understand clinical framework to 1) outline the therapist’s stance; 2) define the core issues in psychotherapy, and 3) distill the core dialogue forms of Chairwork psychotherapy. Learning Chairwork Psychotherapy provides clinicians with a clear, structurally organized way to conceptualize clinical issues and move forward with guided action. If you have felt stagnant in your clinical practice, uncertain in your next steps, or even anxious regarding challenging clinical issues then this certification training may be a great fit for you. 

TCPP Founder and ISST-Certified Advanced Schema Therapist, Dr. Scott Kellogg can be considered one of the most influential clinicians and leaders in the renaissance of Chairwork. Along with Amanda Garcia Torres, LMHC and Certified Chairwork Psychotherapist, they have taken on the mission to share this uniquely profound practice with the world. Be a part of this exciting movement and register to become one of the world’s first Chairwork-certified clinicians! 

Additional resources (foundational articles):

"Toward a Chairwork Psychotherapy: Using the Four Dialogues for Healing and Transformation"

"Chairwork" - Aeon Psyche article


Feedback from previous TCPP Training attendees: 

“I no longer have to live in the stress of ‘solving anything.’ -A. Tucker, LMSW, CASAC, NYC 

“It is a game changer.” -A. Pesiridou, MD, NYC 

“I’ve never left a training so changed in terms of both how I see the work of therapy and tools I feel I can offer my patients right away.” -M. Rosenbaum, MA, NYC 

“I walked out a better clinician than when I entered. The training exceeded my expectations and whetted my clinical appetite.” -C. Wainwright, MA, CASAC, NYC 

“It opened up new conceptualizations for my work with trauma survivors.” -D. Stokke, MSW, NYC 

“Just from one day of exposure to this technique, I can tell that it is going to significantly influence the way I practice psychotherapy.” -C. Tholany, MD, NYC 

“It was a very powerful reminder of how compelling the experience of speaking from (or hearing) one’s voice purely can be.” -E. Rafaeli, PhD, NYC. 

“As a therapist, I have found that chairwork offers the opportunity to challenge parts of the client that I didn’t have access to through other interventions. The effect on my clients has been profound and transformational.” -E. Touroni, PhD, London 

“I think every therapist could benefit from this training.” -H. Diaz, PsyD, NYC 

“Your training was so helpful. It helped me learn how to move therapy from a more intellectual to an emotionally deep place.” -L. Becker, PsyD, NYC