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2023 Chairwork Psychotherapy Workshop Roadshow

Approved for 18 CPD Hours

Message of invitation

A personal message of invitation to attend from the APS College of Clinical Psychologists Chair

"The College of Clinical Psychologists first brought Dr Scott Kellogg and Ms Amanda Garcia Torres to Australia in 2019 for our National Conference. It was at this Conference that the idea of a return visit where Dr Kellogg and Ms Garcia Torres toured the country, training local psychologists in Chairwork, and embedding this modality locally, was first mooted. Post the inevitable COVID delays the College is thrilled to see the idea germinate into the reality of a National Roadshow and accreditation, whereby psychologists can avail themselves of this wonderful training which I’m sure will be transformative to the clinical practices of those who attend. We encourage you to take advantage of this once in a life-time opportunity!" - Dr Lisa Chantler